Laura's Brain Candy
September 27, 2002

I am not a pretty girl

that is not what I do

I ain't no damsel in distress

and I don't need to be rescued

so put me down punk

maybe you'd prefer a maiden fair

isn't there a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere

I am not an angry girl

but it seems like I've got everyone fooled

every time I say something they find hard to hear

they chalk it up to my anger

and never to their own fear

and imagine you're a girl

just trying to finally come clean

knowing full well they'd prefer you

were dirty and smiling

and I am sorry

I am not a maiden fair

and I am not a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere

and generally my generation

wouldn't be caught dead working for the man

and generally I agree with them

trouble is you gotta have yourself an alternate plan

and I have earned my disillusionment

I have been working all of my life

and I am a patriot

I have been fighting the good fight

and what if there are no damsels in distress

what if I knew that and I called your bluff?

don't you think every kitten figures out how to get down

whether or not you ever show up

I am not a pretty girl

I don't want to be a pretty girl

no I want to be more than a pretty girl


~Not a pretty girl

What if No One's Watching

If my life were a movie

there would be a sunset

and the camera would pan away

but the sky is just a little sister

tagging along behind the buildings

trying to imitate their grey

the little boys are breaking bottles

along the sidewalk

the big boys, too

the girls are hanging out at the candy store

pumping quarters into the phone

'cause they don't want to go home

and I think,

what if no one's watching

what it when we're dead, we're just dead

what if it's just us down here

what if god ain't looking down

what if he's looking up instead

if my life were a movie

I would light a cigarette

and the smoke would curl around my face

everything I do would be interesting

I'd play the good guy

in every scene

but I always feel I have to

take a stand

and there's always someone on hand

to hate me for standing there

I always feel I have to open my mouth

and every time I do

I offend someone


but what

what if no one's watching

what if when we're dead, we're just dead

what if there's no time to lose

what if there's things we gotta do

things that need to be said

you know I can't apologize

for everything I know

I mean you don't have to agree with me

but once you get me going

you better just let me go

we have to be able to criticize

what we love

say what we have to say

'cause if you're not trying to make something better

as far as I can tell

you're just in the way

I mean what

what if no one's watching

what if when we're dead

we're just dead

what if it's just us down here

what if god is just an idea

someone put in your head

I mean what

what if no one's watching

what if no one's watching...
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