Ani in Pheonix at Celebrity Theater June 30th, 2001

   Amazing, Though she only did three songs off her new album ( Ain't That
The Way, Imagine That, and Rock Paper Scissors) it was amazing.  She seemed
less stressed from last year, like she was having fun, not just there to do a
job.  She Jumped around, and told stories about "riding motorcycles on some
butt fuck road in the middle of this state,"  (arizona) "black leather in the
desert", and crawling across the stage looking for water.  It was good to see
her smile and to hear her laugh, and to be in the same room when she rocked. 
Can't wait to see her next year.
    Sekou was also amazing (opening act).  I love his use of spoken work with
song, the energy was inspiring, a beautiful start to a beautiful night.

Thank you
Sara For your Review! 
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