torture and new technic

torture and new technic.

new technic can expose people to anything in their own home. you can expose them to any kind of pain, kill them, brainwash them or just bother them till they obey or do not look good any more.

one tactic can be to miscredit them so they do not look good in the eyes of the public. then it does not matter how serius a political dissident they are. everybody learns to look down on them and isolate them.

this new technic works like a cyberspace pulled down over their head. where any simulation can happen. and you cannot protect yourself against it.

this new technic should be regulated by new laws. and the responsibel people for the worst developments should be put in jail. it is fundamental human rights that are violated, and it should be taken up like that.

cabel-tv is the worst sinner. there you really can see what it is possibel to simulate. it is first of all the commercials that want to speculate in this new technic. and introduces new metodes, that give people problems.

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