Elisabeth of Bavaria
Born: 1876
Father: Karl Theodor of Bavaria
Mother: Maria Josefa of Portugal
Albert I
Married: 1900
Age: 24
Leopold III
Charles (1903-1983)
Marie-Jos� (1906-2001), Queen of Italy
Died: 1965
Age: 89
The Red Queen , by Art Be�che
          At Possenhofen castle, drenched by the waters of Lake Starnberg, a little princess was born on
           July 25, 1876. Her name was Elisabeth, her country was Bavaria, her future was Belgium. A
           member of the illustrious House of Wittelsbach, she was given the name of her most famous, and
           romantically well remembered aunt, Elisabeth in Bavaria, Empress of Austria, commonly known
           as "Sissi." At the time of the little princess' birth, some twenty-odd monarchs ruled over Germany.
           Some of these rulers were of consequence, others functioned more like little operetta monarchs in
           small principalities.

           Above the German monarchs the House of Hohenzollern ruled supreme in the person of Kaiser
           Wilhelm I, the recently crowned emperor of a new Germany. In Bavaria, the little princess'
           cousins wildly spent the country's revenues building the legacy for which the country is known.
           Indeed, the romantic castles built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria remain the country's most
           recognizable attraction.

           The father of Duchess Elisabeth was Karl-Theodor, Duke in Bavaria, an ophthalmologist of
           recognized reputation. Her mother was the Infanta Maria-Josepha of Portugal, daughter of exiled
           King Miguel I of Portugal. Maria-Josepha was the sister of Maria Theresa of Portugal, third wife
           of Archduke Karl-Ludwig of Habsburg and stepmother of Emperor Karl I, of Maria-Anne of
           Portugal, wife of Grand Duke William of Luxembourg, and of Maria-Antonia of Portugal, second
           wife of Duke Robert I of Bourbon-Parma and mother of Zita, wife of Emperor Karl I. An artist
           himself, Duke Karl-Theodor cultivated the artistic tastes of his family, and Elisabeth was raised
           with a deep love for painting, music and sculpture. At her father's clinic, Elisabeth learned to cope
           with human suffering.

           Duchess Elisabeth met her future husband under sad circumstances. Her aunt, Sophie-Charlotte in
           Bavaria had married the Prince Ferdinand of Bourbon-Orleans, Duke d'Alencon. On May 4, 1897,
           the Duchess d'Alencon met with a terrible and untimely death during the fire that consumed the
           Charity Bazaar in Paris. At the funeral for this tragically deceased woman, Elisabeth met Prince
           Albert of Belgium. At the time that Albert and Elisabeth met, Prince Albert was the heir to his
           uncle King Leopold II of the Belgians. Albert was the second son of Prince Philippe, Count of
           Flanders, and Princess Marie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a sister of King Carol I of Romania.
           At birth, Albert occupied the third place in the line of succession behind his father and elder
           brother, Prince Baudouin. The unexpected death of Baudouin in January of 1891 immediately
           raised Albert to prominence within his country. A studious, quiet man, Albert was not the choice
           of heir that King Leopold II would have relished. As the only male member of his generation,
           Albert was guaranteed the crown of the Belgians upon the king's death. Albert had two sisters who
           survived into adulthood, Princess Henriette who married Prince Emmanuel of Orleans, and
           Princess Josephine who married her cousin Prince Karl-Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen,
           brother of King Ferdinand I of Romania.

           Seduced by the intense looks of the gracious and slender Bavarian princess, Albert asked her to
           marry him not long after. The wedding took place on October 2, 1900. A little over a year later, on
           November 3, 1901, their happy marriage was crowned with the birth of a little prince, the future
           King Leopold III of the Belgians. Two more children would join the royal nursery in Brussels,
           Charles on 10 October 1903 , and Marie-Jose on 4 August 1906. This young princess would
           eventually become the last queen of Italy. The pleasurable and tranquil life of Albert and Elisabeth
           came to an end on 17 December 1909. On this date old King Leopold II of the Belgians died
           without a male heir. The Belgian crown was inherited by his nephew, who ascended the throne as
           Albert I, King of the Belgians.

           At the beginning of the First World War, the German armies invaded Belgium, violating the
           country's neutrality. The Belgian royal couple refused to abandon their subjects and stayed on
           while the country's valiant, although futile, effort tried to resist the German onslaught. Elisabeth,
           using the medical knowledge she had acquired at her father's clinic, opened a field hospital where
           she served as a nurse. During these terrible times, Elisabeth lifted the spirits of wounded soldiers
           by given each one a floral arrangement during a lonely Christmas. Her sensible soul had
           understood that at certain times, small details gained essential importance. On 11 November 1918
           Belgium was liberated. Riding next to her husband, now known as the Cavalier King, Elisabeth
           joined the parades to receive the ovations of the Belgian populace.

           The end of the Great War also meant the beginning of a very happy period in Elisabeth's life. She
           could indulge in her passion for the arts. The royal couple gained worldwide recognition for their
           valiant defense of Belgium. Foreign travels became commonplace, and everywhere they went,
           Albert and Elisabeth were received as heroes.

           On 17 February 1934, King Albert I met with death unexpectedly. During a solitary mountaineering
           trip, Albert fell to his death in the mountains of Marche-les-Dames. Elisabeth received the tragic
           news at Laeken Palace and in a show of internal fortitude, the Queen did not loose her composure.
           The magnitude of Albert's death would hit her days after the royal funeral.

           History seemed to repeat itself in 1940. King Leopold III, Albert and Elisabeth's eldest son, was
           faced during hectic moments with the onslaught of the Nazi armies. Belgium was invaded and
           quickly overtaken by the advancing German armies. During the Second World war, Elisabeth of
           Belgium found solace in her music and charitable organizations.

           Upon Belgium's liberation, Elisabeth once again dedicated herself to the artistic development and
           restoration of her devastated country. She created schools, artistic competitions and met with the
           greatest talents of her time. In fact, in 1958 Elisabeth became the first royalty received at the
           Kremlin. "I love to travel and meet people from all over the world," declared the Queen Mother of
           Belgium. "I love art in all its forms, I love seeing the world by myself, especially when that world
           is in the East." Three years later she paid a visit to China against the reservations of her grandson
           King Baudouin who said: "Grandmother....you are going to bother quite a few people...I know,
           said the Queen, but good thinkers of this country are not going to forgive me for this. Yet, thanks to
           the Lord those people are fewer and fewer every day."

           On 23 November 1965, as rain shrouded the skyline of Brussels, at Stuyvenberg Palace a Queen
           was dying. The Belgium royal family, royalties from around the continent, artists and the people of
           Belgium in general lamented the loss of a great woman. No other person best summarized Queen
           Elisabeth's life than her friend Jean Cocteau: "There was in Belgium a modest queen of small
           frame and large soul who always said...I'm but an artist...and in her modesty as an artist Elisabeth
           said...I'm just a queen."
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