Haq' (Commander)


NAME:Henry Allen Cook
KLINGON NAME: A-Qa'Pitus vestai-Haq' or just plain Haq'
RANK: Lt. Commander
DUTY: Ambassador from the Dark Moon Fleet
INTERESTS: Exploring the unknown,Traveling to far off worlds, discovering ancient cultures with rich histories and destroying them, teaching my targ to attack all non Klingons, Blood Wine and Regulan Black Ale, Klingon Opra, To boldy go where no klingon has gone before and capture that place for the good of the empire.
AWARDS: 2 Kill Stripes, 4 Battle Notches


No one knows who Haq's parents were, all that is known is that he was found in the cargo hold of a Talosian freighter by K'Temoc of the ship T'Ong when he was an infant. He was raised as the son of K'Temoc until he was a young adult when he found out K'Temoc was not his father, he renounced his loyalty to the house of K'Temoc and dissappeared for 3 years. Thought to be dead, Haq' resurfaced as an assassin, working for anyone willing to pay his price. While on a mission, Haq' became romanticly involved with a starfleet engineer, Lt. Robin Lefler, formerly of the USS Enterprise D. The relationship ended when Lefler was killed by a Breen attack. Revenging her death, Haq' spent the next few years hunting down Breen. One of Haq's most notable victories was when he destroyed a Breen battle cruiser with nothing more that a stolen Federation shuttlecraft. Afterwards Haq' crashed on a frozen world known as Ko'teau, there he fought for his very survival against the planets native beasts. Finally after months of peril he was rescued by a mining patrol. After hearing the first hand account told by Haq' and analyzing the databanks from the shuttlecrafts computers, the Klingon High Councel awards Haq' his own ship and recognizes the House of Haq'. Haq's new vessel , a Bird of Prey, is dubbed the IKV Bayou Serpent, after a pet snake from Earth that K'Temoc gave him as a child. Soon he gathered a rather motley crew and set out on another great adventure.Later he was promoted to commander of the Cold Revenge Quadrant but resigned after being reassigned to another fleet.Quad commander was then turned over to former IKV Bayou Serpent commander Ri'Par.

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