NAME: Angela Sandifer
KLINGON NAME: J'Lok B'ry tai-Drek-kan
RANK: 2nd Lieutenant
DUTY: Frozen Warrior
INTERESTS: Painsticks, Tattoos, Sorcery, Alien dissections and K'klarj

AWARDS: 4 Battle Notches


J'Lok was born an only child to captured parents in a Cardassian prison camp,her mother already being pregnant at the time of their capture.Her parents were members of a covert intelligence operation to determine to level of threat from Cardassia Prime since the Cardassians had already occupied Bajor.Her early childhood was brutal consisting of watching her parents being tortured and not allowed to die a warriors death.Knowing that her parents wanted death before imprisonment,the Cardassians kept them alive to suffer.J'Lok learned as much as she could about Cardassians and hoped to one day exact revenge on them for her and her family's treatment.When J'Lok was around the age of ten a taskforce of warriors was finally able to locate J'Lok and her family and liberate them from Cardassian custody.No Cardassian survived that day.J'Lok and family returned to Qo'noS and she enrolled in the Academy a little late and a little worse for wear.She still carried much bitterness and was shunned by most of her classmates.She met Ri'Par and the two became good friends.Having few friends,she immersed herself in studies,mostly of alien cultures and especially of Cardassians.J'Lok finished school and joined a science institute that specialized in exobiology.She then learned of a Cardassian doctor that experimented on Bajorans in a most horrible way.Victims of this doctor were tortured and even dissected,some while they were still alive.Memories of her childhood came rushing back and soon J'Lok was experimenting on Cardassian war criminals.J'Lok has extensive knowledge of Cardassian anatomy and knows more ways to kill them than any Bajoran ever has.She was soon discovered by the institute and barred from it forever.J'Lok set off again wandering the quadrant studying other species when she met a warrior named K'klarj from the mirror universe.K'klarj also disliked Cardassians and the two formed a great bond and soon married.The two traveled the universe randomly for some time when the IKV Bayou Serpent happened upon them.Ri'Par made contact with her vessel and discovered that his old friend from the Academy was still around.Ri'Par invited both warriors to join the ship and J'Lok was able to continue her studies of exobiology after promising to clean up her mess if she should happen to "accidently" find a Cardassian onboard.Though Cardassians are a plague to her,she does study other alien races and has detailed files on the easiest ways to exterminate them.

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