NAME: Allen Carnahan
KLINGON NAME: K'Allen sutai-bortaS
RANK: Commander
DUTY: Commander of the Cold Revenge Quadrant
INTERESTS: Terran Heavy Metal; Ancient Terran automotive speed sports; finding new uses for dead tribbles; trying to give noogies to every Ferengi in the Quadrant; Recreational Romulan Genocide.
AWARDS: 3 Kill Stripes, 50 Battle Notches
1st place in Speedball, Venom Wars 5


K�Allen was adopted into the House of Lar when his mother Ver mated with the House leader, B�ry. K�Allen, believing his real father, Char, abandoned his family prior to his Age of Ascension, was glad to be a member of a noble House. All was well until
K�Allen was 13. He met an old friend of his father�s, Jod, who told him the truth of his father�s abandonment. Char was sent on a covert operation into the Romulan Empire to destroy their new cloaking technology and was killed in the process. K�Allen confronted his parents with this information, which B�ry denounced as lies and Jod a coward. B�ry & Jod fought, and B�ry killed Jod, but with help of his bodyguards. This started and ongoing feud between K�Allen and B�ry. Later the House of Lar allied with the House of Duras, which irked K�Allen to no end. He had learned from Jod that the Duras were Romulan Puppets and not true warriors. Time passed, K�Allen was serving aboard a ship loyal to the Duras when he was betrothed by B�ry and Ver to mate with B�Etor to "solidify the union of the 2 houses". K�Allen told B�ry, Ver, B�Etor, and Duras "I�d sooner mate with a Ferengi prostitute than a Romulan Puppet!!!" K�Allen was promptly dismissed from his ship and placed in an administrative duty for the House of Lar. Soon, Gowron was Chancellor, Duras was dead, and civil war is brewing. The House of Lar reinstates K�Allen as one of their warriors for the Duras. K�Allen told B�ry "I will never serve the Romulans or their puppets, Lursa & B�Etor!" He denounced his membership to the House of Lar and joined a ship loyal to Gowron. When the civil war broke out, K�Allen was serving aboard the IKV Pantar (in Kurn�s battle group) when they engaged B�ry�s battle group. Heavy ship-to-ship fighting broke out and the Pantar�s captain was killed. Being the only member of the bridge crew able to function, K�Allen took command of the Pantar and destroyed the ship B�ry was commanding, a move which gave the victory to Kurn�s battlegroup.

After the civil war, K�Allen served with Kurn briefly until the House of Mogh was dismantled and Kurn relieved of his power. This led to K�Allen serving under several captains whose "political ambitions outweighed their warrior ambition." Growing tired of this, K�Allen resigned his commission and began teaching at the Warriors Academy (Klingon history & hand-to-hand combat). He taught for several years until his yearning for battle & conquest took precedence. Also hearing reports that B�ry not only survived, but serves with the Romulans. He also had Romulans kill Ver in retaliation for K�Allens "Traitorous Acts". Now seeking revenge, he resigned his teaching duties and contacted Haq & Ri�Par of the IKV Bayou Serpent. K�Allen joined the honorable crew of the IKV Bayou Serpent and served as Tactical Officer. He spends his days searching for B�ry, training to keep his hand-to-hand skills honed, and trying to figure out how the hell Ri�Par rigged the disruptors with Borg technology!!! K'Allen was rewarded for all his work with a promotion to Executive Officer by Ri'Par after he took over the Bayou Serpent,then to ship commander.After showing continuous dedication to the entire quadrant he was named Quadrant Commander after Ri'Par vacated the post.

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