NAME: Brent Boyd
RANK: Warrant Officer 4th Class
DUTY: Marine Fighter Pilot:
INTERESTS: Hunting, Travel, Ancient bladed weapons of other cultures, Klingon stringed instruments, studying archival Klingon pilot flight techniques that 'bend' the spacecraft parameters, walks on moonscape worlds with the femme Klingon types.
AWARDS: 1 Kill Stripe
6 Battle Notches


Jendarith, son of K'mpok (brother of K'mpec) and nephew of K'mpec, cousin of E'la, was born on Borath, the Klingon Empires 'cleric world', on the 5th day of Juk'tag (A Borath 'July' to a Klingon) in the year 2323. Jendarith, or J'dar as many of his colleagues call him, has an interesting heritage in that his father chose the religion of the Klingons as a study or vocation contrary to his uncle's choice (K'mpec) as a warrior and eventually the High Council. Raised on the planet Borath by his mother Wen'ja, a semi-pious Klingon femme who was fairly handy in the food preparation chamber with the carving knife and incidently passed the bladework on to Jendarith her son, the eldest child in their family, his siblings being his 2 sisters J'arla and S'ula. In the early years J'dar played and worked around the stone-domed cottage in the worship village of Tup'lar near the great sanctuary halls of Tupok, where his father taught and lead the aspiring clerical leaders of the Klingon empire. A good boy obedient to his parents most of the time, he helped in the family garden often, assisted with chores around the home, and learned the Klingon codex or books of scriptures as his father taught. Though his parents planned on J'dar becoming a priest on Borath, his restlessness at home and his admiration of the Sanctuary Guards in their regal armor and weapons made it worse. His mother the wild spirit she was, teaching him knifework did not help matters. Sometimes J'dar would hurriedly work his hoeing and pruning chores in the garden to finish and scramble away early to watch the guards training exercises in the sparring yard, their fighting techniques at full display. It was no surprise at an early age that nearing decision time, J'dar stated flatly to his parents he wished to become a Sanctuary guard, and perhaps even a warrior when time came. They being reasonable parents and knowing in their hearts his potential in this area, decided to send him to his Uncle K'mpec when old enough. And so it began at age 14 when he was done with his academics and Codex memorization on Borath, J'dar was shuttled away to Qo'noS to begin the warrior education and training. Early on J'dar excelled in further academics, especially the 'physics and flight' courses. This coupled with the agility he showed in 'sparring on the wire', aerial grapple fighting, rappelling, and powerglider registered with the headmasters that flight school was J'dar's destiny. They made it so for him, and after scoring well in warrant officer flight school and opting for the marines as a branch, J'dar was posted as a young fighter pilot aboard the IKV K'loga. Catching on quickly at his station here, J'dar moved rapidly through the ranks, earning honors and citations, often through TDY assignments away from the main ship's operations and mission, participating in many raids and giving fire support to Klingon boarding operations. Interplanetary aerial combat support he also flew offering support again in terran type ground marine, occupying missions. Prior to returning to the Klingon Ship K'loga, J'dar and his small wing contengent of Klingon galactic fighters was intercepted by a sizeable force of 25 Romulan attack craft. Being outnumbered 5 to one usually wasn't impossible odds for Jendarith and his combat wing, but these Romulans had prosperous thoughts on their minds that day and besides were using more advanced cloaking technology on their new 'outting'. In a much heated space skirmish J'dar's 5 craft Wing was decimated, his comrades killed, and his craft while trying to evade his conquerors crash landed on a large gravitationally stable asteroid. J'dar was hard put to it making the evasive maneuvers and landing, but walked away only ruffled and bruised. It wasn't but half an hour before a 3 man Romulan recovery shuttlecraft landed to survey his crashsite, perhaps to take technology or simply to look for survivors/prisoners. To their chagrine, J'dar's fighter had slid under a vast sandstone ledge upon halting of emergency landing cycle, metal properties and mineral deposits heavily veined in the overhang shielding his vessel of acute scans from above. A lucky break he'd lost land speed before pancaking into the vertical mountain escarpment, J'dar was lying in wait undetected still nearby with his now in hand transponder not yet reactivated. With his survival disruptor, a small handheld blasting weapon by combat standards, the Klingon flight officer ambushed the small group of Romulans. J'dar entered the enemy shuttle craft and upon examination of their operational cloaking device there, made some tiny modifications he had learned in physics/engineering class. A very basic mechanic work, it enabled him to power up the now cloaked landing craft and using the dark side of the meteors shadow, escape the prying eyes and scans of the Romulan Warbird. Of course approaching his own ship was a greater challenge, but decloaking with no shields or weapons powered up, and his transponder unit switched on, Jendarith was able to avoid being vaporized and was rescued. J'dar received accommendation of valor and the blackheart (for wounds received in the Romulan battle of which 21 of the enemies fighter craft were destroyed to 5 Klingon craft). His overall mission prior to the Romulan incident was a success, and along with ridding the galaxy of more Romulan 'scum' he'd enjoyed a fairly 'good day'. Upon posting back to IKS K'loga, where incidently his cousin E'la was now serving, J'dar was promoted to Warrant Officer 4th class. Down near the mess hall soon after, having just taken lunch with cousin E'la, J'dar passed a Lt. Commander in the ships corridor near there, saluted him, and was called back after walking past. Coming to attention before the Commander, a visiting leader from a Klingon Bird of Prey, J'dar was asked to verify his name and status. Speeling over the information and vaguely wondering if he was in trouble for asteroid busting again as an off duty/unauthorized flight sport, J'dar was surprised to meet Haq, visiting commander of IKV Bayou Serpent. Having thought of transfer recently, and hearing an invitation from the commander, Jendarith, or J'dar as his friends call him, was elated to appease the TDY officer with his accepting of the post. And so now fully transferred and settled in, Flight Warrant Officer 4th Class J'dar K'mpok serves aboard the IKV Bayou Serpent with their Marine contingent of combat fighter spacecraft.

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