The Menagerie

On November 13,2007 Cmdr Ri'Par, Lt Ni'Vek, and Warrant Officer J'Dar attending the big screen premiere of the original series Trek episode "The Menagerie". This was the remastered version with enhanced special effects and included a 30 minute introduction by Eugene Roddenberry. It was also to promote the release of the remastered first season on HD/DVD. Fan turnout was low, as we expected, with about 20-25 fans in attendance. We blame the studio for that though since they did almost no promoting for the event. The crew chatted with fans before and after the movie and passed out cards with our contact info on it. Ni'Vek was the only officer in full Imperial Klingon uniform. Cmdr Ri'Par had duties after the movie and came in a classic "augment" uniform and J'Dar opted for a feddie science officer uniform since the episode doesn't have any Klingons in it. End Transmission...

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