This is a walkthrough/patch/review file for the adult anime Windows game "Tokimeki Check in!" from Peach Princess in English. Original Japanese version by Crowd. Game came in a DVD-type case with 2 CDs, the second one is omake (bonus) stuff. The disclaimer that I first saw with "Snow Drop" is also in this game, but they've got some good points in there. The liner notes that the installer puts in the game folder are the longest and most complete that I've ever seen. I was surprised to see a message from Peter Payne (of JAST USA and J-List) in the omake. I guess he really is heavily involved in getting these products out. I'd like to second his statement that PeaPri is likely the "last, best chance" for getting large amounts of Japanese bishoujo computer games translated into English. If pirates ruin these guys, so they go the way of Megatech, Sakura Soft, Otaku and RCY America, nobody will try again for at least several years. And you'll never see Alice Soft or Elf games in English if even Peter Payne can't make it pay. The LMM and Tokimeki executable demos will pause when you press the space bar, and exit when you press the Esc key. For some reason, the "Show" directory on disc 2 wasn't translated or linked into the rest, but it seems to be a patch and one image for the Japanese-only release "Kyoushi" and two other images for X-Change inside a Crowd catalog. It's all in Japanese, but I don't think those of us who can only read English missed anything important. One thing you'll gather after reading all the staff comments is that making these games is rather exhausting. I'm also worried about the level of English fluency exhibited by Tetsuya Fujita, but maybe he was just very very tired. Press the "End" key to get an option to quickly quit the game. This game boasts 17 endings, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I got the hints and Kumi walkthrough from PeaPri after I got frustrated. I only found endings #01 and 15 on my own. And although the PeaPri information gave me ending #11 (Kumi), and hints that helped me find #06 and #07 (Mai), it was still tough going. Then I got a LOT of helpful info from an "Anony MousContributor" ;), to get all the endings except #02 (Ume). So, you bishoujo otaku out there will get your "Tokimeki Check in!" file faster than I had hoped for. Thanks to the PeaPri BBS participants, especially Kumiko, for giving out enough hints for the Ume-san ending. If you don't want to see explicit hints on how to see the sex scenes or the walkthrough for all the endings, just skip down to the end of the file now... SEX SCENES (26): 01. Day 1, Ayumi raped: after dinner "Take away the dishes" then "Have Ume-san check the bath" and "Help Ayumi finish". After an accidental kiss, finally choose "Watch the situation unfold" to see Ayumi raped by two guys. Naturally, you won't be getting a good ending for Ayumi after this. Seeing this changes the graphics slightly for the other Ayumi sex scenes. 02. Day 1, Makoto masturbates: choose "No I don't have a girlfriend" then "Go to the kitchen", then "Go to town with Makoto-san", later "No they're not pretty", then "Go to the employees' room". Finally, after cleaning the bath, you should have the choice to "Peek into Makoto-san's room". Other choices between the points mentioned are not important for this sequence. 03. Day 2, Misato & Keiko in bath: choose "Yes I'm interested" then "Yes I'll take the sake to them" (only appears if you're NOT on track for Mai endings #06-07). 04. Day 2, sex with Yuki in her room: while on track for the Yuki endings, occurs after the TV repair after dinner. 05. Day 2, sex with Nanami in employees' room: end of Day 2 while on track for ending #12. 06. Day 2, first part of raping Ayumi: when Misato & Keiko arrive choose "No I don't care about that". Then "go to the employees' room" after dinner. Choose "Drink some sake", followed by "Rape Ayumi". Followed by sequence #07 or 08. 07. Day 2, second part of raping virgin Ayumi: immediately follows sequence #06, default if you didn't see sex scene #01 in this play of the game. 08. Day 2, second part of raping Ayumi: only if you allowed Ayumi to be raped in sequence #01 during this play of the game, immediately follows sequence #06. 09. Day 2, sex with Natsuki on ping-pong table: occurs a while after the "I choose Natsuki" choice, but only if you're on track for the Natsuki ending (#10). 10. Day 2, sex with Kumi in girls' room: occurs a while after the "I choose Kumi" choice, but only if you're on track for the Kumi ending (#11). 11. Day 2, sex with Kyoka on bridge: end of Day 2 while on track for Kyoka endings. 12. Day 2, sex with Mai using brush: choose "Embrace" instead of "Don't embrace" while on track for ending #06 or 07. However, this ruins your chances for any good ending with Mai. 13. Day 3, Misato & Keiko rape Ayumi part 1: on Day 3 just "stay inside", "go to kitchen", "investigate noise" and finally "just stay where I am". The "noise" choice will only show up if you said "Yes I'm interested" earlier. Followed by #14 or #15, depending on Ayumi's virginity. 14. Day 3, Misato & Keiko rape Ayumi part 2 (virgin): continues from #13 above if Ayumi is still a virgin 15. Day 3, Misato & Keiko rape Ayumi part 2 (non-virgin): continues #13 above if Ayumi lost it in #01 above during this play of the game 16. Day 3, Kyoka near river: middle of Day 3 while on track for Kyoka endings. 17. Day 3, Mai in boat: on track for ending #06 or #07, choose "Don't embrace" then "Go outside" and "Go to lake". 18. Day 3, Misato & Keiko: after dinner if on track for ending #03. 19. Day 3, Yuki in swimsuit & towel: occurs after dinner if you have made all the correct choices for the Yuki endings (#04 & 05). 20. Day 3, Mai in her room: this happens after the "Call Mai" choice, and the "Don't go into room" if it appeared, while on track for ending #06 or #07. 21. Day 3, Kyoka while drunk: occurs after dinner if you have made all the correct choices for Kyoka endings. 22. Day 3, Natsuki in bath: occurs after dinner if you have made all the correct choices for the Natsuki ending (#10). 23. Day 3, Kumi in bath: occurs after dinner if you have made all the correct choices for the Kumi ending (#11). 24. Day 3, Nanami in your room: occurs after dinner if you have made all the correct choices for the Nanami ending. 25. Day 3, Makoto in kitchen: occurs after dinner if you have made all the correct choices for the Makoto endings (#13 or 14). 26. Day 3, Ayumi in garden: occurs after dinner if you have made all the correct choices for the Ayumi endings (#16 or 17). Some other sexy images: - Day 1 Natsuki topless and see other 2 naked: "Take away dishes", "Check bath" leads to Natsuki breaking wall and falling on you. - Day 1 see Yuki changing: "Lay out futons" after dinner. - Day 3 see Natsuki and Nanami in lingerie: follow Kumi best ending, but insist that Natsuki strip instead of allowing her to break her promise, then win next game (stand?) to see Nanami too. ENDINGS (17): (decision points where your choice doesn't change the ending are shown as "*") #01 Broken Vinculum - Ayumi bad end. You rape Ayumi when drunk, and she leaves by the next morning. On Day 2, when Misato & Keiko arrive choose "No I don't care about that". You will go to the employee room after dinner. Then choose "Drink some sake", followed by "Rape Ayumi" (H scenes #06 and either 07 or 08). There is a minor variation in this H sequence if Ayumi is NOT a virgin (see sex scene #01 above); I don't think it affects this ending significantly. #02 Devil's Breath - Ume-san bad end. Day 1: Clean bath; No I don't; Go kitchen; Don't go; *; Yes they're pretty; Go employees' room; Take a nap. Day 2: Pick up futons; Clean beds myself; * until back at inn; No I don't care; Go to sleep; I choose Nanami; Follow Ume-san. Day 3: Ask about video. #03 Value of Glory - Misato & Keiko best end. Day 1 actions don't matter. Day 2 actions up to "Yes I'm interested" choice don't matter. Anyway choose: Yes I'm interested; Yes I'll take sake (sex scene #03). Day 3: Stay inside inn; Go kitchen; Investigate noise; Save Ayumi (choose "Just stay" to see sex scene #13, which is followed by scene #14 or #15 depending if Ayumi got raped in sex scene #01 earlier); Call debutantes (see Misato's panties, sex scene #18). #04 Destiny - Yuki best end. While your first choice in the game doesn't matter for Yuki, your second one does. If you pick "No I don't have a girlfriend" you will be on track for this ending. Otherwise, with "Yes I have a girlfriend" the best you can do is ending #05. Moving on from there, your next few choices, including meeting Yuki when she arrives, don't matter, just as long as you DON'T go to town with Makoto! If, at the end of Day 1, you get the choice to peek into Makoto's room, you're NOT on the Yuki track. Anyway, after dinner on Day 1, choose "Lay out futons" (peep at Yuki). On Day 2: Clean inside; Sweep; Go fishing (see Yuki photo shoot); No I don't care; Watch TV (sex scene #04 with Yuki). Day 3: Stay inside; Clean inside (interrupt Yuki & guys in bath); * (sex scene #19 with Yuki). #05 Promise - Yuki happy end. Same as ending #04 above, except that you chose "Yes I have a girlfriend" early in the game. #06 Young Breath - Mai best end. Although it seems unimportant, the first choice must be "Sweep". After that: No I don't; Go main hall; Check bath (Mai throws pail image); *; *. Now you can do either "Lay out futons", which gives you a Yuki changing image, and the Mai in bath mirror image. OR you can "Go employees room" followed by "Take a nap" to get just the Mai in bath mirror image. Either way, on Day 2 start with: Sweep front; Gather mushrooms; Ask to see painting; *; *; Don't embrace; (Day 3) Go outdoors; Go lake (sex scene #17); Call Mai; Don't go into room (sex scene #20). OR you can instead "Don't ask to see painting" on Day 2 and then do all the other choices the same, except the last one is skipped for you, and you get the same sex scene and ending. #07 Shining Lady - Mai happy end. Exactly the same as #06 choices except for "Yes I have a girlfriend" early in the game. You won't notice a difference until after the second sex scene with Mai, where the dialogue veers off. #08 Endless night - Kyoka best end. Day 1: *; "No I don't have a girlfriend" for this ending, or "Yes I have a girlfriend" for ending #09; Go to kitchen; Go to town; Show Kyoka to room; *; Go to employees' room; Stay awake 2x; * if it appears. Day 2: Clean inside inn; Mop (see Kyoka's panties up close); Gather mushrooms; *; Go to lake (boat ride); No I don't care (sex scene #11). Day 3: Go outdoors; Go to mountains (sex scene #16); Call Kyoka (sex scene #21). Surprisingly, Kyoka has not just 2 but 3 sex scenes that are all on the track to her "good" endings! None of the others are that active... #09 The Glorious Road - Kyoka happy end. Exactly the same as the #08 choices except for "Yes I have a girlfriend" near the beginning of the game. Like the other "happy" endings, you won't notice a difference in the dialogue until it diverges at the end of the last sex scene on Day 3. #10 Natsuki Strikes Back - Natsuki best end. This says "Natsumi best ending" in the game documentation. All of the Trio have only one ending each, so you have to get these exactly right. For Natsuki, the choices are: *; No I don't; Go to garden; I'll be tour guide; Go to lake; *; *; Take away dishes; Check bath (Natsuki falls on you, see other 2 naked); (Day 2) Clean inside; Mop; * until Misato and Keiko arrive; No I don't care; Go to sleep; I choose Natsuki (sex scene #09); (Day 3) Stay inside inn; Clean up inside; Go play with girls; win (Hit 3x then Stand); win (Take 1x then Stand); Allow Natsuki to break promise; Call the Trio (see Trio in lingerie, sex scene #22). #11 New Breath - Best ending for Kumi. This one is explained on the PeaPri website. The first choice doesn't matter, but after that you have to get a lot right: No, I don't; Go to garden; I'll be tour guide; Go to mountains; *; *; Take away dishes; Have Ume-san check bath; Let Ayumi finish; (Day 2) Pick up futons; Clean beds myself; Go to town; No I don't care; Go to sleep; I choose Kumi (sex scene #10); (Day 3) Stay inside inn; Clean up inside; Go play with girls; win (hit 3x then stand); win (take 1x then stand); Allow Natsuki to break promise; Call the Trio (see Trio in lingerie, sex scene #23). #12 With the Bloming - Nanami best end. This says "Natsumi best ending" in the game documentation. *; No I don't; Go to garden; I can't do that; *; *; Take away dishes; Have Ume-san check bath; Let Ayumi finish. Day 2: Pick up futons; Clean myself; Go to town; * (if you pick "Yes", then make Ayumi bring sake); Drink sake; Don't rape (get ending #01 if you do)(sex scene #05). Day 3: Stay inside inn; Clean inside; Play with girls; win (Hit 3x then Stand); win (Take 1x then Stand); Allow Natsuki to break promise; Call Trio (see 3 in lingerie); go to all 3 girls in any order; go to any girl; Choose something pretty ("dildo in a can" image if you pick "amusing" instead)(sex scene #24). #13 Family - Makoto best end. Day 1: *; No I don't; Go to kitchen; Go to town; *; No they're not pretty (see ending #14 if you pick the "Yes" choice). Now choose anything EXCEPT "Take away dishes" then "Check bath". You'll end up with "Peek into Makoto's room" to see her masturbating. Day 2: Pick up futons; Let Ume-san clean; Go fishing; * (Makoto cuts finger); * (don't rape Ayumi!). Day 3: Go outdoors; Go with Makoto; No nobody in particular (you know you're on the right track if you get a flashback of her earlier masturbation); * (sex scene #25). #14 The Power of Love - Makoto happy end. Same choices as ending #13 above, except "Yes they're pretty" on Day 1. You won't notice anything different until the end of the sex scene on Day 3, where the dialogue starts to diverge. #15 Tranquil Days - nothing/nobody special end. You may get one or more sex sequences, like Misato & Keiko in the bath on Day 2, and still see this ending. This is basically what you get if you didn't make all the right choices for one of the other endings. #16 Brilliant Days - Ayumi best end. Day 1: *; Yes I have a girlfriend; Go to garden; *. Now choosing "Yes they're pretty" will send you to ending #17 if you do everything else correct. But choose "No they're not pretty" for this ending. Continuing: Take away dishes; Have Ume-san check; Help Ayumi; Save Ayumi (or you'll see sex scene #01 and she's no longer a virgin). Day 2: Pick up futons; Clean the beds; Go to town; Allow Ayumi; Go with Ayumi; * (but you have to let Ayumi take the sake later if you say "Yes"); Drink sake (you stop short of rape on your own). Day 3: Stay inside; Go to kitchen; * (sex scene #26). #17 Love & Order - Ayumi happy end. Same choices as ending #16 above except for choosing "Yes they're pretty" on Day 1. The two girls that show up to the left of Ume-san in File L of the Memory Room are the two girls shown briefly only in this ending. For all the "best" endings (#s 03, 04, 06, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16), if you don't touch anything when the "Best Ending" screen appears, you get a long credits show. Either way, this is followed by a short "marriage" or "years later" sequence with no choices before the final end of the game. PHOTOSHOP PATCH Use a binary/hex file editor to set bytes $18CC through $192F of file CHECKIN.SAV all to the value $01 to turn on all 95 H pix in the Viewing Room/Art Room. And set bytes $1980 through $1999 all to the value $01 to turn on all 26 sequences in the Memory Room. Then start up the game again to check that it worked. Yes, I said NINETY-FIVE H pictures above. However, you get a LOT more than that. The above patch will not only set the game to 100% Clear, you'll see 97 more pictures (a few H), 24 more game location background images, and 12 foreground character displays. The last background that you saw in "File K" will be used as the background for a character that you view in "File L". If you don't look at one first, the game will use the first background, which is the "front door". Click either button to exit a photoshop image display. "Auto Look" will only show the images in Files A through J, right-click to exit. If that doesn't work, let me know. You may have to play the game to an ending once. PETE'S REVIEW A very good translation, lots of replay value, excellent graphics! The only glitch that I noticed in the engine was when the "Brother ?" speaks in the TV show for the Makoto endings; it was probably "Brother in law" overlapping with the dialogue text. A few minor typos, most of them are in the "Memory Room". And the very last line in all of the Memory Room sequences was apparently not translated, but Kumiko says it's only something like "returning to menu". The only complaint about the censorship removal is that you can tell the artist(s) went for consistency in how pubic hair was drawn. The "block blur" is still in the thumbnails of the "Viewing Room" and "Memory Room". But if you can spare the cash and the hard drive space, this one is certainly one of the best Multiple-Choice Multiple-Ending bishoujo graphic adventure games I've seen so far! I would only fault the obscurity of the choices that you have to make to get many of the endings. I don't have anything to say about the music or voices, as I usually played with them turned off. If you have anything to add to this file, let me know. Peter Karsanow - bishoujo.helper[AT}sbcglobal{DOT)net