SP8WJT/HF8V - RED ARMY RADIOTELEGRAPH SIMULATOR - SP8WJT/HF8V ========== SWISS ARMY ========== ver. 4.29 ORG: A-141 VERSION: OVERVIEW: I found in [1][2] that Swiss Army during 2 WW has been used commerial version of Enigma machine and 4 letters indicators was used at the beginning and the end of message. CALLSIGNS: 3L. Examples logged by americans [2] in 1940. MAN NDR RDA PROCEDURES: V separator FREQ: Assumed in typical swiss army radiostation band of that era 3284 NIGHT 5283 DAY SIMULATION: Calling and message in progress will be simulated, without callsigns and preamble. Looking for more info. SOURCES: [1] Enigma, Bliżej Prawdy - Marcin Grajek [2] Cryptology of GIS