Ball & Chain (Irish Drinking Song)

Sittin' down and stanidin' up, I only care don't give a f***
Losin' out, I win too much
I'm finally free, but now I'm stuck
Everyone around me, seems to be only against me
and I can't put down these feelings that I have deep down inside me

Got my ball and chain to drag me down
It's just worthless livin' in this worthless town
And now you can't change the way I feel
How can you call it livin' when your life aint real

Livin' in and goin' out, drags me down and wears me out
Need to go, but always stay
Get what I want, but not my way
Always starts and never ends, can't depend on my best friends
Who the hell am I to say it's my life let me live it that way

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