Another thing is anime in itself. Let�s face it, when the male characters are hot- they are HOT. Likewise with female characters. Now, in real life, people don�t look that great. Imagine two fat guys who are gay, but you support Hiei and Kurama. If you suddenly have a queasy feeling about the two fat guys, it shows that the yaoi relationship may be superficial. Some don�t mind Hiei and Kurama being together because of how they look, which can be a possible reason as to why it can be accepted. However, to the contrary of the belief that love is LOVE. We are STILL (or some) non-accepting of the two males in real life. Could it be possible that our opinions are biased based on the appearance of the supposed couples? I think that because Hiei and Kurama are the best looking and most popular out of the whole lot- they look, well- good together. This goes anyway, mind you. They look great as friends, as partners, even people who love each other. It works anyway you put it. I find myself in between yaoism and non-yaoisim. If they�re only friends, it works for me- if they are lovers, it works for me too. What really matters is what�s in the story. I�ve seen so much fantastic writing showing their possible relationship, but I�ve also seen- trash. I�m not necessarily talking about hentai either.  Trash is writing that is twisted- as in writing with no evident purpose, but showing the writer�s intense perversion at that particular moment (I�m sorry if I sound harsh, but this is what I think). An example of this is a fanfic I stumbled upon two years ago. It was labeled: �With Friendship this Strong�. Good title, but I found that in that fic, Chibiusa from SM makes love to Hotaru!!! What�s worse is that they were BOTH only NINE! That�s just sick and throughout the fic, I found no TRACE of friendship anywhere. I was left traumatized for quite some time. This also shows the three major types of hentai: romantic, physical, and TRASH. Romantic is very subtle, soft and it touches you in some way, but it�s still has hentai. Physical is the actual thing and it gets pretty� explicit, but there is normally a reason behind it. Trash is trash. If you go against hentai, stop complaining because why are you reading it in the first place? Just don�t read it. I, personally, am not too fond of it- I really prefer soft and/or heart melting shounen ai. Mind you, it�s important to keep in mind that Hiei and Kurama are NOT a couple. It�s all right to believe in what you want to regarding the two of them, but a true fan SHOULD like Yu Yu Hakusho for what it really is.

  Anyway, homosexuality is far more accepted in Japan than probably any other country out there- which brings me to the most important part of my informal thesis� �Is homosexuality wrong?�

  As Rin-san has finely put it, love is LOVE. However, there are some cases in which homosexuality IS wrong. I think there are two kinds of homosexual couples- the kind that really love each other, and the kind where the two are using each other as sex toys (the latter is the one which I think is morally incorrect). If two people of the same gender sincerely love each other- who�s to say it�s wrong? Because they�re the same sex� I don�t know how many times I�ve heard this, but that answer really drives me thinking into the night as to what it�s supposed to mean. I am a Roman Catholic, and from what my friend, Cristina, and I have learned at a retreat- man and woman make love to make each other happy and to bare children. All right then. Let�s say that a sterile woman (a woman incapable of getting pregnant) marries a man she truly loves, and vice versa. They make love to each other, but they can�t bare children. Does this mean it�s mandatory for them to adopt a child? What�s more, to a mother, it�s not the same adopting a child as it is to have one of their own. Also, what if the couple can�t afford to have a child? Does them continuing to show each other love make it a sin? No, I don�t think so (I mean, no worse than the original sin). So then, how is that situation any different from a homosexual couple? Because the two are the same gender? I really don�t understand that particular concept. Did God not make each and everyone one of us and that we are ALL his children he loves so deeply? Why then should we ostracize someone for their sexuality? Doesn�t the Bible say something like: �love each other as you would yourself�? I don�t see anything in that quote remarking sexuality. In fact, I haven�t found anything in the Bible of a man loving another man wrong. The only thing that goes against homosexuality is the role that women and men play to each other. Does this then make the relationship shared selfish? I wouldn�t know, but consider the idea that the homosexual is religious. In order to understand how a person feels, the best thing to do is place yourself in that person�s position. Do any of you remember the incident of a Mormon teen who killed himself because he wasn�t accepted as a gay? Which is more wrong in God�s eyes, do you think? Looking down and hurting someone because of their sexuality- possibly resulting in their death or leaving a homosexual couple be? They both sound like very hard issues, and they really are. We can�t judge one another from what we know because only God knows what�s in our hearts. If two people, both male or both female love each other so much, doesn�t that follow the whole belief in love itself?

  Anyhow, one�s sexuality doesn�t affect that person as whole at ALL. Did you know that Leonardo De Vinci was a homosexual? He was, and I know this from my history class. Evidence proves that Leonardo was romantically involved with other men. Did this affect how great he was for painting the Mona Lisa? Or any of his other wonderful creations? No, and I think this is mostly because not many people knew of his love life. So now, we move onto those �lunatics�, say Konanan. He was a homosexual who turned into a serial killer. Why? He was ostracized, he lost his lover, he lost his friends because of his sexuality, he couldn�t turn to his family who have strict values about this, and he was completely alone. That ended with him killing himself. In addition, homosexual behavior isn�t always acquired- it can be genetic. If that�s the case, the person can�t help for what he or she is- that�s how he/she was made. Then you hear the idea from religious groups that homosexuals can live a non-romantic life. That�s true, but it�s a LOT easier said than done. Humans need the feeling of being cared for and loved-it�s essential to staying alive. So what if a guy kisses another guy? STDs? This is yet another sad stereotype. Homosexuals are not the number one cause of STDs. That is not only a lie, but a poor excuse from someone who has it and is thus throwing the blame on someone else who so happens to be gay. The number one cause is sex. That�s all there is to it. That IS what STD stands for, otherwise it would be: Homosexually Transmitted Diseases.

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