<bgsound src="sounds/sucks.wav" loop=2> She looks cute, but looks can be deceiving

Akane Tendo
Personality: loud and obnoxious
Psychology: violently jealous

Youngest daughter of Soun Tendo and engaged to Ranma. Akane is good at martial arts, but horrible at just about everything else. Her cooking is actually poisonous, nor can she sew or perform the tea ceremony. She swims like a hammer and is generally a klutz. She is loud, has a furious temper and has the ability to conjure large wooden mallets to clobber Ranma. Although she is secretly in love with Doctor Tofu and claims to be disgusted to be engaged to Ranma, she also becomes fiercely jealous with he becomes the focus of attention by his other fiances and girlfriends.

Akane has unknowingly adopted Ryoga as P-chan as her pet and as a result he is in love with her. She is also the subject of affection for the entire male population of her high school. Previous to her engagement to Ranma, she was forced to fight her way into school as a result of a proclamation by Kuno that those that defeated her in combat will 'date with her'. However, they eventually accepted her engagement to Ranma (all except Kuno).

Her present occupation in the series is as a kidnap victim which Ranma must rescue.


Akane in her normal state - yelling Supsciouly normal Akane's magical ability to produce hammers from dementional space
The only one that can calm the Cat-fu one the few times you see Akane and Ramna nude together
Yeah right. Like he had the guts
When she had long hair and actually was cute

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