Mousse Personality: devious blind clutz
Psychology: obsessive with homicidal tendencies
Curse: aqua-drake-lychanthropy
(turns into a duck when splashed with cold water)

Mousse, like Shampoo and Cologne, is from the village of Chinese Amazons. He has been in love with Shampoo since they were both small children. Such affection has never been returned as Shampoo finds him to be an annoyance. Mousse is the master of Chinese hidden martial arts and wears a white Chinese robe with extra long sleeves which he uses to hide the tricks he has up them. Despite his mastery, he possess very poor eyesight. He frequently neglects to wear his glasses and is constantly telling pigs, mailboxes, Akane and telephone posts that he loves them thinking that they are Shampoo.

Quack!!Upon discovery of Shampoo's defeat by Ranma-kun, he travels to Japan to challenge Ranma-mailbox to a duel. Mousse susequently loses the challenge and returns to China to train at Jusenko where he promptly trips into the cursed Spring of the Drowned Duck on his first step (how does a duck drown?). He returns to Japan in pursuit of Shampoo and lives and works at Shampoo's Cat Caf�. There he spends his time doing all the dirty jobs and being ordered around by Shampoo and Cologne.

He still hopes to defeat Ranma one day and claim Shampoo as his bride and he is willing to do anything to accomplish that goal. Kidnapping, use of black magic and plotting Ranma's murder to name but a few. Other than that I'm sure he's a nice guy.

Mousse the supposed terror

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