Cooper School -
Cooper School - District Number 1
(Old Nankin Township/Garden City)

In 1841, the Second Presbyterian Church of Nankin was organized at the Cooper School House, located on Ann Arbor Trial and Middlebelt Road. (today this is the Garden City and Dearborn Heights border). Rev. Joshua Clayton, was pastor, John Lathers and Lawson VanAkin were elders. R.J. Lathers, son of John Lathers was baptisted here in 1854.
A special meeting of School Inspectors was held at the home of D. McFarlan, of Livonia on September 17, 1849, to vote on a petition from the inhabitants in this area. The site was bordering also at that time, School District No. 6 of Livonia, the northern half of sections 35 and 36 to remain Livonia, while the southern half of those sections, purposed to be designated District No 1 of Nankin.
Samuel A. Cady was chosen Chairman; R.L. Alexander, Town Clerk; and T. Heywood, was chosen Clerk of the meeting. The motion was carried and districts were designated as purposed in November 1849. It wasn't until September 5, 1863, that a second site for this same school was purposed and established on the Northwest corner of Loren Cooper's farm, witnessed by Cooper family members, Loren J. Cooper, Maria Ann Cooper, the wife of Loren, George W. Cooper. The third living Cooper brother, William was serving in the Civil War, and therefore not present to sign deed papers.

Teachers of the Cooper School

Year Teacher's Name
1865 Brown, Alice
1866 Swift, Anna
1868 Cheney, Elizabeth
1869 Jackson, Miss M.F.
1870 Barber, Miss
1871 Chatman, Louisa & Beardslee, Lora
1872 Barber, Olive
1873 Chapman, Osker & Montgomery, Mary
1874 Chapman, O.D. & Perin, Katharine
1875 Woodworth, C. & Eicher, Miss
1876 Osband, Miss
1877 Fuller, Mrs.
1879 Alexander, J.
1880 Cady, Ella M.
1881 Heywood, William H.
1882 Ford, Rebecca W.
1883 Holt, Martha
1884 Nugent, Eva
1885 Hurr, Jessie
1886 Martin, Lizzie
1887 Hubert, Josephine
1888 Tottman, William
1889 Myers, Jennie
1890 Bridge, Jemima
1891 Sines, Guerdon and Burch, Edith
1892 Stevens, Clarence E.
1893 Rathburn, Mary
1894 Bridge, Jemima
1895 Joy, Lydia
1896 Nugent, Eva
1897 Spicer, Samuel W.
1898 Spicer, Mable
1899 Turk, Oscar J.
1900 Turk, Oscar J.
1902 Powell, Olive & Schryer, Cecil
1903 Bridge, Jemima
1904 - 1906 DePew, Nellie
1907 Dix, Cleo V.
1908 Judson, Hazel
1910 Smith, Ruby
1911 Reading, Beatrice
1912 Schultz, Lillie
1915 Fraleigh, Lulu
1916 Gottschalk, Julia
1917 Hauk, Maude
1919 Smith, Jazel
1920 Palmer, Eva
1921 Mitchell, Irene
1923 Wolfram, Ina
1924 Shepard, Fern
1926 Higley, Marion
1927 Randell, Grace
1929 Seeley, Erma

Cooper School in 1926
From the Memories of Teacher, Marion Higley

"The little country school slightly in need of paint, surrounded by giant soft maples and accompanied by the usual woodshed and the two little buildings in the back corners of the school yard was an impressive sight to the newly-certificated city girl who was to begin teaching there in September, 1926.
Inside the entry was a bench with basin and water pail. (The new health laws demanded individual cups.) Along the opposite wall was a neat pile of split stove wood. Best of all was the sturdy bell rope hanging temptingly from the hole in the center of the celing. The bell-rope tempted more than the inexperienced teacher, and twice eager boys rang it so hard the bell turned over. It was quite embarassing to ask Mr. Badelt to bring his ladder over to restore the bell to its normal position. "Teacher" was responsible to pupils and neighbors to ring the bell at accurate intervals-an indication that all was in order in the corner school.
The big Round Oak stove stood just inside the room between the two entry doors-another new experience for the teacher. With help from the bigger children fires were built and maintained. Some will remember a boring afternoon when gum on the hot stove provided entertainment to a couple of rascals and unhappiness to the others. The long stovepipe reached the long distance to the chimney at the opposite end of the building. This arrangement also carried heat to the far reach.
Three rows of double-desks were fastened to long boards. On the front desk the recitation bench graced the corner row. Kerosene lamps hung from little iron brackets beside the windows on each side. The two windows beside the chimney were in complete disregard of the eyes of the poor pupils facing them and the lamps highly inadequate on dark stormy days.
Marvelous black boards adorned all walls between the windows. Literally BLACK BOARDS they were simply the same horizontally placed boards that covered the ceiling and sidewalls well painted with "flat black" from hip height upwards to the extent of the tallest teacher's reach.
A tall double-doored cupboard held the library books and a well worn globe completed the instructional material. Teacher as well as pupils supplied their own text-all equipped with an answer section.
New wall maps and a new, if well-worn piano were added during the year.
To be a "standard school" was a goal to be achieved if possible. Five community attended events were one of the requirements. Traditional in country schools but long outgrown by big-city schools they were obstacles confronting the city raised 18 year old teacher. The fall-box social with children's pieces and simple songs came first. Five year old Johnny Kovacs recital of "Come wittle weaves said the wind on day" delights my memory these 48 years later. Then Xmas-the days of rehearsal, (What was happening to reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic and Santa Claus whose pillow slipped) February held a Zone-Meeting with a lunch contributed by kind parents on a Saturday for 25 neighboring teachers in zone B. And a Valentine party whose sole entertainment was Valentines and candy. A simple Mother's Day program in the afternoon in May. A last-day-of-school picnic in Perrin's woods was well-attended-all problems forgotten-but some how we missed the sought after certificate.
Twenty-eight classes a day with justice to all; preparation for seventh and eighth grade exams in early May were new and unknown adventures in teaching. One hundred-twenty-five dollars a month-do your own sweeping and fire keeping. ( I sometimes wrote my own check for old Mr. Tom Losie to sign.)
Memories of a first year of teaching in the old Cooper School written by a 34 year veteran. BUT WHERE did they get that James Fenimore Cooper name ??" property of the Westland Historical Museum

Student Attendence Cooper School

Beyer, Will 13 yrs
School Year Student Name Student Age
Unknown Parmalee, Will none given
Unknown Parmalee, Edd none given
Unknown Perin, Asa none given
Unknown Meldrum, Libbie none given
Unknown Bridge, Tom none given
Unknown Bridge, Maggie none given
Unknown Bridge, Eliza none given
Unknown Robinson, Dee none given
Unknown Oldenburg, John none given
Unknown Oldenburg, Minnie none given
Unknown Oldenburg, Rosa none given
Unknown Ross, John none given
Unknown Sherman, T.P. none given
Unknown Stewart, Willie none given
Unknown Winchester, John none given
Unknown Winchester, Birdenia none given
Unknown Furgerson, John none given
Unknown Jorgensen, Lona none given
Unknown Jorgensen, Sena none given
Unknown Jorgensen, Marshal none given
1883 - 1884 Abbott, Nelia none given
1883 - 1884 Abbott, Albert None given
1883 - 1884 Wray, Bailey none given
1883 - 1884 Beyer, Otto 7 yrs
1883 - 1884 Beyer, Charlie 6 yrs
1883 - 1884 Cooper, Flora none given
1883 - 1884 Cooper, Esther 13 yrs
1883 - 1884 Cooper, Dewitt 6 yrs
1883 - 1884 Clement, Leni 10 yrs
1883 - 1884 Dicks, Frank 7 yrs
1883 - 1884 Dicks, Cora 5 yrs
1883 - 1884 Fox, Nettie none given
1883 - 1884 Fox, Willie none given
1883 - 1884 Fels, Emma 12 yrs
1883 - 1884 Holt, Alma none given
1883 - 1884 Hibbard, Frankie none given
1883 - 1884 Innis, Mary none given
1883 - 1884 Innis, Isaac none given
1883 - 1884 Norton, Ada none given
1883 - 1884 Nugent, Ella none given
1883 - 1884 Nugent, Ida none given
1889 Sherman, Mary 14 yrs
1889 Sherman, Eva 6 yrs
1889 Wilson, Lucia 16yrs
1889 Wilson T. 19 yrs
1889 Wilson, W. 14 yrs
1889 Schunk?, T???a 13 yrs
1889 Schunk?, M. 7 yrs
1889 Robinson, Della 14 yrs
1889 Robinson, M.(?) 9 yrs
1889 Wurts, Molly/Milly? 12 yrs
1889 Graham, Ola 17 yrs
1889 Graham, Lina ? 13 yrs
1889 Graham, Agnes 10 yrs
1889 Graham, Eola? 5 yrs
1889 Tait, ?aimon 17 yrs
1889 Tait, Albert 10 yrs
1889 Tait, Libby 9 yrs
1889 Tait, Katna? 6 yrs
1889 Tait, Ivy? 5 yrs
1889 Fercson??, Marshall 17 yrs
1889 Fercson?, Lena 14 yrs
1889 Fercson?, Lina ? 11 yrs
1889 Fels, Emma 14 yrs
1889 Fels, Minna? 13 yrs
1889 Bolts, John 8 yrs
1889 Bolts, Barly? 6 yrs
1889 Bolts, Nelly 5 yrs
1889 Sherwood?, ??ne 6 yrs
1889 Not Ledgible not ledgible
1889 Ford, Anna 16 yrs
1889 Badelt, Ada 9 yrs
1889 Badelt, Roy 5 yrs
1889 Bevernitz, Frank 18 yrs
1889 Bevernitz, John 14 yrs
1889 Perin, Ira 6 yrs
1889 Cooper, Esther 19 yrs
1889 Cooper, Demitt 12 yrs
1889 Meldrum, L.F. 19 yrs
1889 Meldrum, Harry? 9 yrs
1889 Dicks, Frank 13 yrs
1889 Dicks, O?ma 11 yrs
1889 Dicks, Clara 9 yrs
1889 Dicks, Everett 7 yrs
1889 Dicks, Albert 5 yrs
1889 Byer, Olla 13 yrs
1889 Byer, Carly 12 yrs
1889 Byer, John 10 yrs
1889 Byer, Nelly 8 yrs
1889 Byer, Albert 6 yrs
1889 Nyer, Mary 14 yrs
1889 Nyer, Maria 12 yrs
1889 Nyer, Jenne? 9 yrs
1889 Parkerman?, Mary 14 yrs
1889 Clemmons, Lennia? 16 yrs
1889 Clemmons, Unreadable unreadable
1890 York, Amelia 11 yrs
1890 York, Gusta 10 yrs
1890 York, Lena 15 yrs
1890 York, Willie 5 yrs
1890 Bevernitz, Frank 17 yrs
1890 Bevernitz, John 15 yrs
1890 Perin, Ira 7 yrs
1890 Schunk, Jennie 13 yrs
1890 Schunk, Minnie 8 yrs
1890 Sherman, Leander 7 yrs
1890 Sherman, Mary 14 yrs
1890 Robinson, Della 14 yrs
1890 Robinson, May 10 yrs
1890 Robinson, Harry 5 yrs
1890 Wurtz, Willie 13 yrs
1890 Wilson, John 19 yrs
1890 Wilson, Susie 17 yrs
1890 Wilson, Willie 13 yrs
1890 Tait, Simon 18 yrs
1890 Tait, Libbie 10 yrs
1890 Tait, Albert 11 yrs
1890 Tait, Roy 5 yrs
1890 Tait, Arthur 7 yrs
1890 Tait, Mary 6 yrs
1890 Bumshaugle, Matilda 11 yrs
1890 Bumshaugle, Anna 19 yrs
1890 Bumshaugle, Charles 7 yrs
1890 Bumshaugle, Peter 5 yrs
1890 Meldrum, Lee J. 20 yrs
1890 Meldrum, Harvey 10 yrs
1890 Nyer, Mary 15 yrs
1890 Nyer, Hannah 13 yrs
1890 Nyer, Jennie 10 yrs
1890 Maxwell, Belle 17 yrs
1890 Perin, Katie 5 yrs
1890 Beyer, Henry 5 yrs
1890 Clement, Phoebe 14 yrs
1890 Clement, Charles 7 yrs
1890 Clement, Chris 7 yrs
1890 Clement, Hirain 11 yrs
1890 Beyer, John 11 yrs
1890 9 yrs
1890 Beyer, Albert 7 yrs
1890 Dicks, Clara 9 yrs
1890 Dicks, Ernest 7 yrs
1890 Sherwood, Anna unknown
1890 Wuschack, Pauline 8 yrs
1890 Wuschack, Minnie 5 yrs
1890 Shannon, Jennie 8 yrs
1890 Proctor, Maurice 6 yrs
1890 Kriger, Marvin 16 yrs
1890 Kriger, Ada 18 yrs
1890 Badelt, Ada 10 yrs
1890 Badelt, Roy 6 yrs
1890 Badelt, Albert 5 yrs
1892 ROHRING, Mary 6 yrs
1892 Harer, August 12 yrs
1892 Harer, Anna 8 yrs
1892 Harer, Ida 10 yrs
1892 Harer, Lizzie 6 yrs
1892 Promencheukel, Nick 13 yrs
1892 Promencheukel, Tim 11 yrs
1892 Promencheukel, Anna 10 yrs
1892 Promencheukel, Charles 9 yrs
1892 Promencheukel, Peter 7 yrs
1892 Sherwood, Eliza 6 yrs
1892 Bevernitz, Matilda 6 yrs
1892 Reamer, Fred 17 yrs
1892 Reamer, Anne 13 yrs
1892 Reamer, John 11 yrs
1893 Brewer, Floyd 14 yrs
1893 Perin, Ren 5 yrs
1893 Orinston, Hazel 5 yrs
1893 Bolt, John 12 yrs
1893 Bolt, Charles 10 yrs
1893 Bolt, Willie 8 yrs
1893 Bolt, David 6 yrs
1893 Kubik, Peter 19 yrs
1893 Kubik, Lizzie
1893 Kubik, Mary 11 yrs
1893 Kubik, Henry 9 yrs
1893 Kubik, Jake 8 yrs
1893 Kubik, Frank 5 yrs
1893 Brown, Laura 12 yrs
1893 Brown, Elton 9 yrs
1893 Kegler, Walter 14 yrs
1894-1895 Kegler, Esther 10 yrs
1894-1895 Kegler, Charles 7 yrs
1894-1895 Kegler, Tinnie 6 yrs
1894-1895 Harer, Henry 6 yrs
1894-1895 Lawrence, Celia 7 yrs
1894-1895 Lawrence, Cecil 5 yrs
1894-1895 Heuvner, Willie 14 yrs
1894-1895 Heuvner, Gusta 13 yrs
1894-1895 Heuvner, Ida 8 yrs
1894-1895 Robinson, Vena 5 yrs
1894-1895 Sherman, Nellie 5 yrs
1894-1895 Tait, Alexander 6 yrs
1894-1895 Klump, Elmer 5 yrs
1894-1895 Draft, Celia 6 yrs
1894-1895 Heuvner, Otto 5 yrs
1894-1895 Detloff, Lena 12 yrs
1894-1895 Wittershein, Joe 7 yrs
1894-1895 Wittershein, Fred 6 yrs
1894-1895 Wuschack, Harbert 5 yrs
1894-1895 Sherwood, Mable 6 yrs
1894-1895 Fox, Nellie 8 yrs
1894-1895 Tait, Elsie 5 yrs
1894-1895 Kubik, Charlie 5 yrs
1894-1895 Brown, Leatha 5 yrs
1894-1895 Parmalee, Clayton 5 yrs
1894-1895 Perin, Urla 6 yrs
1897 Beyer, Hulda 5 yrs
1897 Wittershein, Stella 5 yrs
1897 Orinston, Mildred 5 yrs
1897 Wright, Jennie none given
1897 Wright, Myrtle none given
1897 Bevernitz, Nettie 5 yrs
1897 Schmidt, Fred 5 yrs
1897 Wuschack, Louisa 7 yrs
1897 Wuschack, Walter 8 yrs
1897 Draft, Frank 5 yrs
1897 Robinson, Maty 10 yrs
1897 Finley, Pearl 8 yrs
1897 Wuschack, Gladys 5 yrs
1897 Klump, Wray 5 yrs
1897 Proctor, Loren 8 yrs
1897 Slatler, Clyde 7 yrs
1899 Smith, Violet 5 yrs
1899 Bridge, Erlaud 6 yrs
1899 Kegler, Ralph 5 yrs
1899 Eichnor, Gertrude 9 yrs
1899 Sherman, Elmer 5 yrs
1899 Furgison, Milo 5 yrs
1899 Schmidt, Mable 6 yrs
1899 Wittershein, May 5 yrs
1899 Stabler, Mae 5 yrs
1899 Perin, Coin 5 yrs
1899 Brown, Viva 5 yrs
1899 Knight, Jaunita 5 yrs
1899 Lyle, Edith 18 yrs
1899 Lyle, James 17 yrs
1899 Lyle, Mable 11 yrs
1899 Lyle, Grace 9 yrs
1899 Lyle, Edna 6 yrs
1899 Oliver, Mable 12 yrs
1902 Bevernitz, Mary 6 yrs
1902 Cooper, Fay 17 yrs
1902 Orniston, Ethel 6 yrs
1902 Bridge, Ruth 5 yrs
1902 Stabler, Earl 5 yrs
1902 Parmalee, Hazel 5 yrs
1902 Wurtz, Hazel 5 yrs
1903-1904 Smith, Florence 5 yrs
1903-1904 Draper, Charlie 7 yrs
1903-1904 Bevernitz, Howard 5 yrs
1903-1904 Wittershein, George 5 yrs
1905 Simmons, Arter 12 yrs
1905 Simmons, Eugene 10 yrs
1905 Simmons, Phileatus 7 yrs
1905 Simmons, Frederick 5 yrs
1905 Draft, John 7 yrs
1905 Grims, Earl 11 yrs
1905 Grims, Harry 9 yrs
1905 Marsh, Mable 14 yrs
1905 Marsh, Ettie 9 yrs
1905 Marsh, Hattie 9 yrs
1905 Marsh, Harvey 5 yrs
1905 Roddenburg, Otto 17 yrs
1905 Rottenburg, Amanda 15 yrs
1905 Rottenburg, Willie 14 yrs
1905 Rottenburg John 8 yrs

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