Advanced Squad Leader Products

The Avalon Hill Game Company produced the Advanced Squad Leader Game. As you browse this page, note that each Module, Annual and add-on component has a brief description describing module content , the maps (click here for general descriptions of the map boards), number of scenario's (click here for scenario list by module/magazine) and other information. I hope this will make it easier for you to see what we ASL'rs use to play Advanced Squad Leader.

Avalon Hill's former bi-monthly house magazine, The General, has published a number of ASL articles and scenarios over the years.

  1. ASL Modules
  2. Historical ASL Modules
  3. Historical Studies
  4. The ASL "Annuals & Journals"
  5. Action Packs & Deluxe ASL

After market add-ons

  1. Heat of Battle
  2. Sherry Enterprises
  3. Kinetic Energy Productions
  4. Dispatches from the Bunker
  5. Bounding Fire Productions
  6. Front Line Productions
  7. Windy City Wargamers
  8. War-Oboe Publications
  9. Critical Hit Magazine
  10. Critical Hit Historical Modules
  11. Critical Hit Scenario Packs

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Th modules are what makes Advanced Squad Leader tick. In addition to the ASLRB & mapboards 1-4, you'll need either the first Module, Beyond Valor, or the second Module, Paratrooper, to start playing ASL! Each individual module adds components such as varous counters, maps and rules that enhance & expand upon the previous modules. See the modules below for additional info.

The Advanced Squad Leader Rule Book (The Rulebook for the WWII tactical warfare game system) This book is the heart of the system. It's chapters cover the rules of the game system and the specifications / notes on the Orders of Battle for the combatants - virtually every significant vehicle or piece of ordnance which saw action in WWII is represented. Note that some of the chapters are not included in the basic rulebook, but are included in one of the Modules (though they can be purchased seperately).
The Advanced Squad Leader Rule Book II
Module 1: Beyond Valor. (Eastern Front Tactical Warfare 1941-45.) includes all the components you'll need to play ASL, including counters representing the complete Russian, German, and Finnish armies. Depictions of every gun, vehicle, and major weapon of these combatants is included, as well as representative pieces for their many infantry and cavalry formations. Mapboards 20-23, all of the basic counters needed to start play, and the Scenarios 1-10 are included. BV is required for many of the later Modules.
Module 1: Beyond Valor II
Module 2: Paratrooper. (Normandy Airborne Invasion, June 6-8, 1944) This was designed as an introductory Module. There's enough utility counters to play the game here, as well as sufficient American (paratrooper infantry, their SW and some ordnance / vehicles) and German (infantry, SW, ordnance / vehicles) to play the enclosed scenarios 11 -18. Board 24 is included. Chapter K "Training Manual" rules /TD>
Module 3: Yanks. (American Extension.) This features the Americans in the ETO. This one comes with boards 16-19, and scenarios 19-26. Chapter E "Miscellaneous" rules. Owning Yanks is required for some of the later Modules. (Requieres BV)
Module 4: Partisan. Resistance Fighters Extension. Challenge your abilities in basic infantry combat as you maneuver and fire your squads, leaders and supporting weapons in scenarios whose forces run the gamut from elite Germans to poorly equipped but highly-motivated freedom fighters, to low-grade occupation troops. Boards 10 - 32 and scenarios 27-34 are included. (Requires BV)
Module 5a: For King and Country. Coming Soon (British Extension set #1) Adds the British and their arry of vehicles andance to ASL. Boards 1,7,8 & 12 are included along with 16 updated, previously out-of-print scenarios featuring the Brits in WW2 (Requires BV)
Module 5b: West of Alamein. Coming Soon (British Extension set #2) The sister module to For King and Country. Includes 5 geomorphic mapboards (boards 25-29 ) and a wide array of overlays depicting rugged escarpments and flat desert. 8 scenarios depicting typical desert combat are included.Chapter F "Desert" rules (Requires BV and FKaC)
Module 6: The Last Hurrah. (Allied Minors' Extension). This Module features the Allied Minor powers, like Poland. Some of these scenarios are considered to be among the "coolest" in the game. Boards 11 & 33 and scenarios 43-50 are here. (Requires BV and Yanks)
Module 7: The Hollow Legions. (Italian Extension.) the long-awaited Italian ASL module. Here is the complete order of battle for a new nationality - one never before offered in the long history of the SL/ASL systems. The Italian soldier of the Second World War has been much maligned - but is this view totally justified? Boards 30 & 31 and scenarios 51-58 come along. (Requires BV, Yanks and WoA)
Module 8: Code of Bushido. (Japanese Extension.) CoB covers the Japanese, including their entire OOB, along with rules for the PTO (the first portion of chapter G). Included in this Module are boards 34-37, a bunch of overlays to the mapboards, and scenarios 59-66. Chapter G "Pacific Theatre" rules, sections 1-10 (Requires BV, Yanks and WoA)
Module 9: Gung Ho! (U.S.M.C / Chinese Extension.) GH includes the Chinese OOB, the USMC, and the early US Army. It also includes the second portion of chapter G, detailing beach assaults, etc. There are also a number of corrected rules pages here for earlier chapters. Boards 38 & 39, still more overlays, and scenarios 67-74. Chapter G "Pacific Theatre" rules, sections 11-18 (Requires BV, Yanks, WoA and COB)
Module 10: Croix de Guerre. (French Extension.) The French decide to fight! The whole French OOB sees the light of day in ASL form (the old Squad Leader system covered them in Crescendo of Doom). And the usual new mapboards (40 & 42) and scenarios (75-82). (Requires BV, Yanks and WoA)
Module 11: Doomed Battalions 2nd Edition (Allied Minors & Guns Extension.) Doomed Battalions heralds the arrival (finally!) of the Allied Minor armor and ordnance, boards 9 (revisited), 44, & 45, scenarios 83 - 90 plus the 1998 rules errata sheets.
Module 12: Armies of Oblivion (Axis Minors & Guns Extension.) Coming soon in 1999
Module 13: Haake Paale Coming Soon (Finnish Extension.) The Finns come into theior own with HP. HP will update the infantry structure and provide all the armor and ordnance used by the Finns throughout World War II (Requires BV)

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Historical ASL Modules

The four HASL Modules are the "highest evolution" of the game system to date. The mapboards for each recreate the terrain of their battlefield in as exact detail as possible, using contemporary photos and source material. Each has a chapter of rules covering details specific to the battle covered. In addition to a number of conventional scenarios utilizing the maps and rules, campaign games are included. Players are given initial forces for the first scenario, and points with which to purchase other forces from historically available pools. Each campaign game consists of multiple scenarios - CG III in RB consists of 30 campaign days! Conservation of force becomes a factor, and long-term planning (such as intermediate objectives) as well.

HASL Module 1: Red Barricades. This Module recreates the fighting around the Red Barricades Ordnance factories in Stalingrad in late November and early December, 1942. Scenarios RB 1 - 7 are included, as well as three campaign games. Chapter O rules. Requires BV and Yanks.
HASL Module 2: Kampfgruppe Peiper I. KGP I is the first of two HASL Modules covering the fighting around Stoumont and La Gleize, Belgium, in December of 1944. KGP I also has scenarios KGP 1 - 4 utilizing the Stoumont map. Chapter P rules. Requires BV and Yanks.
HASL Module 3: KGP II. Gary Fortenberry wrapped this up eariler in 1996, and it was released in early May. KGP II contains the map groups for Cheneux and La Glieze. Scenarios KGP 5 - 11 (including one real monster), three new counter sheets, and a revamped Chapter P. Be forewarned: there are a number of errors in KGP II
HASL Module 4: Pegasus Bridge. This Module covers the British coup-de-main assualt on the Orme River Canal Bridge on the night of June 5th, 1944, and the subsequent fighting around the bridgehead. Includes scenarios PB 1- 6 Chapter Q rules ..
HASL Module 5:Blood Reef Tarawa Summer 1999: The long awaited Historical module about the Marine beach assault on the atoll of Betio by Eddie Zeman and Steve Dethlefsen appears after years of research and playtesting. Blood Reef: Tarawa includes: two 4-color 22"x31" map sheets depicting almost the entire island of Betio; Chapter T of the ASL rule book which details the terrain on Tarawa, various of the special circumstances surrounding the landing (such as direct naval fire, counter battery fire, and Korean laborers), and the rules for Blood Reef: Tarawa Campaign Games; over 3 full counter sheets, including new counters for field-modified LVTs, 8-inch Naval Guns, and Japanese Bombproofs, as well as the additional U.S.M.C. and Japanese squads, support weapons, guns, and vehicles needed to play the campaign games; and seven new scenarios which highlight the key moments of the battle.
HASL Module 6: A Bridge Too Far Fall 1999: The climax of Operation Market- Garden! Frosts' British seize the approaches to the grand bridge over the Lower Rhine in Arnhem and hold out against the 9th and 10th SS Panzer Divisions, desperately waiting for relief. The hand- to-hand fighting in an urban landscape is reminiscent of Stalingrad, but with an emphasis on controlling city blocks. Designed by veteran playtester and gamer Russ Bunten. includes: one 4-color 23"x31" map sheet depicting the eastern area of Arnhem and the main road bridge; Chapter R of the ASL rule book which details the terrain in the city, special rules for the bridge, and rules for the A Bridge Too Far campaign games; more than 7 full countersheets which supply the counters necessary to play the campaign games; and nine new scenarios depicting the defining moments of the battle.

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Historical Studies

Operation: Watchtower: Guadalcanal Historical Study. The first of the Historical Studies, which is appropriate since Guadalcanal was the first American offensive in the Pacific. Hopefully, once a player has played through the sixteen scenarios within, they'll better understand the campaign and its outcome. Includes 1 42x30 Historical Map, 1 Countersheet of 1/2" counters, 16 scenarios on cardstock, Chapter Z Additions for the Edson's Ridge mini-HASL, 1 Historical Writeup of the campaign. Ownership of the ASL rulebook, all core modules, Action Pack #2, and boards 5,15, 43, and 52 are required for play.

The ASL "Annuals & Journals"

Annuals to date:

1989: The first! Features include the IIFT, or Incremental Infantry Fire Table, subject of acrimonius debate ever since - it breaks the original IFT into columns with 1/2 or 1 FP increments. Articles: A Nation of Workers, A Question of Balance, The Evolution of Small Unit Tactics, Piper's Lament, Gunned-Up in the Desert, Man and Superman, Comprehensive Index, How to Win an ASL Tournament, One-Half FP, Updating the Oldies, Another Shell in the Tube.
1990: Eight Million Bayonets, Eight Steps to AS, The Devil's BrigadeL, Series Replay Scenario 37 - Khamsin, A Checklist for Direct Fire in SL, War in the Shadow, A Dog's Life, How to Enjoy an ASL Tournament. 19 Scenarios available
1991: 15 scenarios. Series Replay: Red Barricades, Forgotten Legions (Axis minors in ASL), Market Garden: Note's on new scenarios, Early Victors, Early Victories. The Mouse that Roared and The Numbers of October
1992: 15 scenarios. Soldiers Of The Sun (The Japs in ASL), Series Replay: A41 - OP Hill, Pigi-Pigi, Commando Campaign Game, The Doomed Battalions (Allied minors in ASL), and Here We'll Damned Well Stay (playtest of scenario A52 and Guilt by Accusation (A Look At IIFT)
1993A: 11 scenarios. Annual Crossfire (Probing Layforce), Getting The Lead Out (a parable for ASL), Beating About The Bush (a look at bypass), Grace Under Fire (a look at scenarios showcasing the Marines assaulting two tiny islands in the Pacific. Unmounted maps are included. Sand and Blood (the story behind CG GT), First to Fight (ref notes for ASL), Annual Crossfire (holding the rear), Warriors of the North (Canadians in ASL), First On The Beach (playtester's view of the New CG), Notes to the Troops, Tiger Trap (new fortification for ASL) and Errata for G9.8
1993B: 11 scenarios. Sand and Blood (The Story behind the GT CG), First To Fight (reference notes for ASL,) Annual Crossfire (Holding The Rear,) Warriors Of The North (the Canadians in ASL,) First on the Beach (playtesters views on the new CG,) Notes To The Troops (ask not what ASL can do for you....) and Tiger Trap (a new fortification for ASL)
Winter 1995: 70+ pages, With articles: Airborne Samurai; Reference Notes for ASL, Annual Crossfire, Defeat In Java; Warriors All!, Campaign Game Leaders for ASL; En Garde, Tournament Scenarios from Atlanticon '93; The Gentle Art of Routing, The Scenarios of Normandy; Celebrating the 50th Anniversary, Series Replay: Festung St. Edouard.
1996: 13 scenarios. First Annual produced by Multi-Man Publishing. The Weather Outside Is Frightful (snow & ASL), Stop and Go Traffic (moving, motion, and non-stopped status), Run For The Money, For St George and St Joan (Atlanticon '93 scenario analysis), Flight School (a primer for glider-phobics), Spelunking 101 (tips on caves and cave complex setups), Vive La France (Croix de Guerre review pt 1) and KGP II errata
1997: 16 scenarios. A Cavalry Primer For Neighsayers (Pooch's ponies on parade), Series Replay G28 (Ramseys charge), Red Death for Scouts on Flames,The Road to Nhpum Ga (background info), Vive La France! Encore (Croix de Guerre review part deux), What Do You Do When You Dont Have a Can Opener (combatting early war armor)
ASL Classic compiles the best from out-of-print ASL material. Includes 16 classic scenarios such as "Gavin Take," "Paw of the Tiger" and "The Bitche Salient." Also includes tactical discussions, strategy articles, and an updated Incremental Infantry Fire Table.
ASL Journal 1998 #1 The first MMP publication in partnership with Hasbro Games! Featuring a new Red Barricades campaign game as well as Red Barricades solitaire missions and rules! Plus a fantastic assortment of articles such as Articles: Hello From MMP, Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, What To Do If You Have a Tin Can, B CG IV - Bled White, Series Replay - Scouts Out, Chapter S - Historical Solitaire ASL; RB HASL SASL, Personal Tens and Programmed Instruction for the PTO and an additional 12 scenarios!
ASL Journal 1999 #2 Winter 1999. Issue 2 of the ASL Journal will include all you have come to expect in an ASL periodical plus a 22" by 32' historical map, a counter sheet, and scenarios (including one monster scenario!) to simulate the fighting along Kakazu Ridge on Okinawa. Designed by Dan Dolan, the man who brought us the Gavutu-Tanambogo CG in the '93b Annual. Issue #2 of the ASL Journal will include all that you have come to expect in an ASL periodical
ASL Journal #3 Featuring a Kursk mini-campaign by Pete Shelling, plus a fantastic assortment of articles and an additional 30 scenarios! Boards 48-52 needed to play some of the scenarios in J3. These boards are available as parts but they will also be included in Armies of Oblivion.
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Action Pack's and Deluxe ASL

ASL Action Pack #1: Boards 42 and 43, includes the C1 Offboard Artillery Player Aid and Scenarios AP1 - AP8 (requires BV, Yank, TLH, HL, Partisan, COB and Gung Ho)
ASL Action Pack #2: Spring 1999. Following in the successful footsteps of AP#1, Action Pack #2 features two brand new geomorphic map boards, 8 all-new scenarios, new overlays, 4 pages of additional Ch. B rules and the Overrun Flowchart Playing Aid. Board 46 features a half-board European village with adjoining farmlands. Board 47 features a board-length wooded ravine. The overlays feature hills (B10.), including a half-board village on a hill, and wooden buildings (B21.), with the latter conducive for representing huts (G5.) in the PTO. (Scenarios AP9 -AP16) Ownership of ASL, Beyond Valor, Yanks, Code Of Bushido and Gung Ho required
Solitaire ASL has numerous charts and tables for "generating" enemy units, random events and mapboard configurations. SASL has a highly detailed, fully integrated Campaign Game system. Follow the progress of your historically based American, German or Russian infantry company throughout the length of WW2. Your company's month-to-month OB is determined by your surviving units and any replacements received. Leader promotion, squad Battle-Hardening and weapon replacement (on an historical schedule) are all possibleScenarios Mission 1 - 14. Chapter S. Ownership of ASL, Beyond Valor, and Yanks is required
Streets Of Fire is the first boxed module of DELUXE ASL; an enlarged 2.2" hex scale for playing ASL. on four full-color, geomorphic, mounted 11"x26" mapboards The rules, for all practical purposes, are identical; the only changes deal with the physical stacking or positioning of counters within the enlarged hexes. In short, Deluxe ASL is no more difficult than ASL. In fact, it is much more playable, due to the many conveniences proffered by the larger hex size; Deluxe ASL is simply ASL without stacking Scenarios DASL 1 -10
Hedgerow Hell is the second Deluxe ASL module. Includes four full-color, geomorphic, mounted, 11"x26" mapboards depicting typical country terrain. Scenarios DASL 11 - 18
A GI's Dozen: Thirteen new ASL scenarios updated and adapted from the pre-ASL products GI: ANVIL OF VICTORY and SERIES 300 scenarios! These scenarios are some of the best of the GI-series and have been updated to use new ASL boards and overlays.
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Heat of Battle

RECON by Fire:Inside, you will find a fascinating article about how the BRT Campaign Game Victory Conditions were designed...and why the CVP Caps were set so deadly high! Also included within these "48 pages of pure ASL" is a Terrain Chart for your soon-to-be-blood-covered BRT HASL map (art by Don Petros). This chart will increase your TARAWA killing time exponentially! Rich Summers and Rob Banozic have provided us with CROSSFIRE featuring the ASL scenario "Blazin' Chariots". This article alone will teach you more about Armor vs Armor tactics than ten scenarios will! Rob Seulowitz shares with us some interesting insights on how to prepare for an ASL tournament! In addition to many interesting articles from some of your favorite ASL writers HOB has put together a set of eight cool scenarios. To give you a great variety in this inaugural issue of RECON, we have included scenarios designed by some of your favorite ASL groups such as The Paddington Bears, the Bounding Fire boys, and, of course, Heat Of Battle. These scenarios cover the full specter of ASL with actions taking place with the Australians vs the Africa Corps in the desert, to the GIs attacking Italians in Italy, to the Russians steam rolling through the German lines in the summer of 1944. RECON magazine is by the ASL player, and for the ASL player.
Tropic Thunder Featuring the battles at Tarakan, Brunei Bay, Labuan, and Balikpapan in Borneo, between the Second Australian Imperial Force and the Japanese. May-August 1945. Tropic Thunder is a set of 12 scenarios that are compatible with World War 2 Miniature systems or Hasbro�s ASL. TT! is not an officially licensed or endorsed product. You should own all official products. At a minimum the British and Japanese modules are needed, along with boards: 9, 11, 15, 22, 23, 25,34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 50, b, and d, and HG! I and II.
High Ground eight hot new scenarios based on two new geomorphic map boards. The boards are incredibly unique in that, when put together side-by-side, they form one large hill. Three sides of these two boards remain geomorphic so that they can be matched to make an incredible combination of new battlefields! The hill itself is four levels high and up to fifteen hexes wide
SS-3 "Das Reich": It will follow actions of the unit from a Battalion to a regiment. SS-3 will have 14 scenarios and a glossy cover similar to the popular Tropic Thunder! scenario pack. SS-3 is a collection of mostly medium to large actions with interesting tactical decisions and great replay value.
Waffen-SS II: "The Fuhrer's Firemen" "The Fuhrer's Firemen" is the much anticipated sequel to "No Quarter, No Glory!". Includes a full set of early war 468, 447, and 436 black SS counters as well as a complete set of their respective HS including heavy tanks� To help complete your Black SS countermix we have included a wide variety of vehicles from Mk II Flamepanzers to King Tigers. Also included are a set of black Turret counters with Tiger, Panther, and King Tiger artwork just to help you identify those bad-asses under all those utility markers. Includes eight tournament style scenarios and 200 fully mounted counters printed in the traditional wargamming BLACK of the SS counter full-color, die-cut mounted counters.
Waffen SS: No Quarter No Glory! "First they were blue, then they were purple, now ... they're BACK IN BLACK." Tournament-style scenario #'s NQNG 1 - 6. Each scenario card is professionally printed in a TWO-COLOR format on the prefered card stock of ASL players. 200 fully mounted counters printed in the traditional wargamming BLACK of the SS counter full-color, die-cut mounted counters
Berlin:Red Vengence The battle for the Reichstag in Berlin - April/May 1945. 10 scenarios, #'s BRV 1 - 10, a 20" x 27" map and 56 counters (party leaders and Gestapo counters)
Fortress Cassino The battle for Monte Cassino - March 15,1944. 10 scenarios, #'s FC 1 - 10, a 22" x39" map, 56 counters including the New Zealand MMC counters
King of The Hill (KotH) - 22"x34" color map + CG + XX B&W scenarios + self-mounted counters: the battle for Hill 112 outside of Caen (D-Day). British v. SS
BLOOD REEF: TARAWA The 1943 seaborne invasion of Betio Atoll from November 20 - 22. This is no longer available
God Save The King (GSTK) - new color map (available separately) - XX B&W scenario #'s GSTK 1 - 6 + CG + self-mounted counters: the epic struggle for the Arnhem Bridge. British v. Germans
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Sherry Enterprises

Schwerpunkt #1: October of 1996 - a booklet + 12 B&W scenarios (#'s SP1 - 12 all from the Tampa Bay ASL Group's tourneys).
Schwerpunkt #2: October of 1997 - a booklet + 12 B&W scenarios (#'s SP13 - 24 all from the Tampa Bay ASL Group's tourneys).
Schwerpunkt #3: October of 1998 - a booklet + 12 B&W scenarios (#'s SP25 -36 all from the Tampa Bay ASL Group's tourneys).
Schwerpunkt #4: has a good cross section of ASL scenarios that covers all the theaters of WWII and includes both tournament level and large-scale scenarios. There is a little here for everyone. There are 12 scenarios printed on card stock and a booklet containing an analysis for each scenario. Also this year we also have Brook White's excellent historical article on the French Army.
Schwerpunkt #5:
Schwerpunkt #6
Schwerpunkt #7
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Kinetic Energy Productions

March Madness 97
March Madness 99
TOT #1: Bulge Anniversary Issue - 10 two-color scenarios + booklet Germans v. Americans
TOT #2: Historical study of the fighting between the German 2nd Marine Infantry Division and the British VIII Corps and XII Corps for two weeks in April of 1945. Concentrated on a battle which receives short shrift from most historians; and featuring many little-used unit types, the actions contained in this issue should be fresh and exciting to all ASL players.
TOT #3: Conducts a study on a group of oft-forgotten German vehicles from the Second World War, vehicles that have been left out of the standard ASL counter mix! Experience scenarios using vehicles previously unavailable, or that have been depicted by some half-baked method that is historically inaccurate or an eyesore. No Longer! Add these vehicles to your Order of Battle and expand your playing horizons now!

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Dispatches from the Bunker

Dispatch # 01 Scenario Design & Analysis reviews of "Brashe Encounters" & "Sochaczew" TIPS For Veterans "Concealment", TIPS For Novices "Skulking" (# DB001 and DB002)
Dispatch # 02(# DB003 and DB004
Dispatch # 03(# DB005 and DB006
Dispatch # 04(# DB007 and DB008
Dispatch # 05(# DB009 and DB010
Dispatch # 06 Scenario Design & Analysis reviews of "Dropping Like Flies" & "First Clash in Tunisia." Articles Fighting with Conscripts by Rob Delwood w/ Vic Provost, and Hide & Seek; Concealment for Defence in the ETO by Jim Torkelson, TIPS For Veterans "Tank Hunter Heroes as Decoys", TIPS For Novices "Firelanes- Who mans the machinegun>" (# DB011 and DB012)
Dispatch # 07 Analysis of scenario J1 Urban Guerillas, a look at Action Pack 2 and the Hell On Wheels Pack and more scenario analysis for scenarios "The Men From Zadig" & "The Heinrich Position"(# DB013 and DB014)
Dispatch # 08(# DB015 and DB016
Dispatch # 09(# DB017 and DB018
Dispatch # 10(# DB019 and DB020
Dispatch # 11(# DB021 and DB022

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Bounding Fire Productions

Hell On wheels Battle Pack: Featuring the United States 2nd Armored Division in WW II. Follow the Hell On Wheels Division in action from North Africa to Central Europe (#HOW 1 to HOW13 plus 1 Solitaire and GSTK scenario) includes 1 103/4 x 26 geomorphic deluxe map sheet and 2 deluxe size overlay sheets

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Front Line Productions

Baraque de Fraiture (Parker's Crossroads) 22"x34" color mapsheet + 9 two-color scenarios + booklet. SS v. Americans; Battle of the Bulge '44

Visit Front Line Productions

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Windy City Wargamers

  1. WCW Scenario Pack - 10(?) scenarios (in full color)
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War-Oboe Publications

  1. ASL MONSTER PACK #1: 16 REALLY HUGE BLOW OUT SCENARIOS!!! INCLUDING THE ENTIRE GOLD BEACH LANDING in 1944 Designed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of WWII. For the Advanced Squad LeaderTM GAME System
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Critical Hit Magazine

CH SPECIAL EDITION 97: "Back to Stalingrad" is the emphasis with bundled color game map and scenario action for "The Grain Elevator" plus monster game for our new Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works. New Recon rules for PL 2.1 are revealed, designed by Canadian soldier Dan LePore. New scenarios, designer's notes for DTW, and miniatures rules for playing 3D Stalingrad battles!
CH SPECIAL EDITION 96 13 scenarios, color Village 40 overlay (and 3 scenarios use it), new Finnish tanks. Four page rules section "The Vernacular Chapter F"combined with an emphasis on desert rules, tactics and history to do Rommel proud! "Desert Tactics" by Rob Modarelli.
Operation Compass Annual How did the 'Desert Rats' of O'Connor's Western Desert Force, consisting of 7th Armoured Division (minus a brigade), a support group of two regiments of Royal Horse Artillery, and two motor battalions, do it? The story is laid before you, from the Italian invasion of Egypt to the dramatic ambush at Beda Fomm in the pages of Critical Hit Magazine's OPERATION COMPASS & WAVELL'S 30,000 SPECIAL EDITION.
CH #6 Vol 3: Special Edition and will include a new historical HSL map (see below) and a sheet of color die-cut counters, plus a color card-stock cover, scenarios on HEAVYWEIGHT white card, and if you purchase direct, a 'backup' set of 736 (3 sheets) of GENESIS 48 color die-cut counters!
CH #6 Vol 2:
CH #6 Vol 1: Seven scenarios, a new solo mission and credits including Pedro Ramis, Scott Holst, Mike Maenp��, Robert Delwood, Rick Lubben, Ian Daglish and Kurt Martin
CH #5 Vol 2: Articles subjects range from "Dads in WWII" including a new scenario featuring, yes, the author's father in combat; designer's notes, history and play tips for recent CH releases including the Paddington Bears '98 Pack and Those Ragged Bloody Heroes; clearing the beach on D-Day with scenario; an overview of the new CH release, Combat! Normandy and more!
CH #5 Vol 1: Featuring 58 pages of material, which includes 10 scenario printed separately. Our new format, "holding the Line" by Rob Modarelli, "Roasting Chestnuts" by Charles Markuss & Shaun Carter. This issue features a focus on river crossing tactics with a review of the rules scenarios placing men in boats.and more! Color tank counters included.
CH #4 Vol 2: Yanks and Aussies, Aussie Pack 97 Designer Notes, ASL SSR Walkaround, Rule For Thought (command and control,) It Takes A Few Villages, and the Semovente 90da53
CH #4 Vol 1: Gembloux Is Here (France 1940 revisited) Canadian ASL, Paratroop Tactics, Master Gunner on OBA, Scenario Replay of BdF and New Counters
CH #4: Enter our new Staff Writer Rob Modarelli III and his "Armored Assault Tactics" along with an insightful editorial by ASL ambassador-at-large Kurt Martin. 60 pages, 10 scenarios in a pull out center section.
CH #3: The monster! 60 pages, including "ASLOK: the First Decade" and THE OBA FLOW CHART. New variants and analysis along with 15 scenarios, 2 SASL Missions and a new PL campaign game.
CH #2: 48 pages of content, including the Moyland Bloody Moyland Replay, "Dying by the Half Squad" and the analysis of "Into the Valley" by our Australian comrades. Reviews, analysis, 15 scenarios.
CH #1: (our First Edition): Back in re-print in a high quality, colored card cover version with 32 pages of articles and commentary, variants, 10 scenarios.
Scroungin ASL News: The Chemicle Squad, Looking For Cover, Unarmed But Not Useless, Riding Bicycles Through The Ardennes, Japanese Unit Reduction Table, Plans Gone Stray 1 & 2.
Tips for Adv. Sqd. Leader Tankers: This 24 page guide covers tank tactics and includes examples, charts and scenarios to take you through the process of tank-vs-tank warfare.

Critical Hit Historical Modules

Hell's Bridgehead: Kursk 1943
Genesis '48: Israel 1948 & 56. An entirely new war for the game system. Practically a new rulebook of new variant rules covering ZAHAL, IRGUN and HAGANAH troops for the Israelis, plus PALMACH of course, and Syrians, Egyptian AFVs - the whole cast of characters Full-sized historical map of Old Jerusalem with a campaign game and scenarios to play on it. Complete historical AFV and Ordnance notes for them to stuff in their rulebook. 2-sheets of brand new die-cut counters - new AFV, Female Israeli leaders for the squad-leading crowd - Arab Irregulars - the Arab Legion - Sternists (they'll blow up your HQ!). Colorful and extensive orders of battle in die-cut form for the combatants. 10 Scenarios for the 1948 War of Independence + 4 on the Jerusalem map + 6 in the SINAI 1956 variant thrown in for free for a total of 20 BRAND NEW SCENARIOS! Brand new overlay depicting a typical Israeli Kibbutz - fight for Yad Mordechai! A complete SINAI 1956 MODULE - more new die-cut counters - new men like Israeli paratroopers and the IDF, plus new tanks like the AMX-13.
Carnage At Cassino: part of a two-module series offers individual firefights and two campaign games dealing with the Polish, French, American and British assaults against the German 90th Panzer Grenadier Division on the Monte Cassino Massif (just north of the famous Monte Cassino monastery) near Rome, Italy in February of 1944. In addition, players may recreate the two Polish Corps attacks against elements of the German 1st Parachute Division in the same area from May 12 through May 17th of 1944 with firefights and two more campaign games. All four campaign games are played using the Platoon Leader 2.5 rules system. The Carnage at Cassino map depicts the key elements of the Monte Cassino Massif just north of the monastery. (The planned Cassino II map will link with this map. It will show Cassino - the town, Hangman's Hill and the monastery itself.) Famous boulder-strewn high points 569 and 593 � fought over by the troops of a half dozen nations, the narrow plain of the Albaneta Farm, the dominating heights of Colle St. Angelo � all are faithfully represented - coming for August 1999
Ordeal Before Shuri: The Battle of Okinawa is our subject matter for this new Pacific Theater module, the culmination of three years of research and development led by designer Dave ' Ogre' Dally. The large map features numerous terrain features for your squads, leaders and tanks to fight over: Nishi Baru Ridge, Kakazu Ridge, Kakazu West, Urasoe Mura Escarpment and three separate villages. The terrain is thick and hellish! Includes eight scenarios (including some monsters), two campaign games, play aids, and special rules - coming for September 1999
Uncommom Valor:covers the USMC actions on Iwo Jima against the Japanese 145th Regiment holding Motoyama Airfield #2 and the surrounding heights. It's part of a two-game Iwo Jima series that will cover the action in detail for the enthusiast of this battle along the lines of Scotland the Brave and our All American series. The module includes eight scenarios, a Platoon Leader 2.5 campaign game, and special rules.
Arnhem: The Third Bridge Arnhem: The Third Bridge is the new module from CH depicting the Battle of Arnhem. This is Kurt Martin's years' long research and game design opus finally available! You'll receive a sheet of die-cut counters, nine new scenarios, campaign game and a one-of-a-kind take on this famous battle gleaned from years of research, on-site visits and consulting with experts.
All American: Designer Ian Daglish traveled to the battlefield so you don't have to. This is an extensively researched package of 10 scenarios (all played on the historical map) and an historical 30" x 18" battle map depicting the fighting for Kellam's Bridge over the Merderet River, June 6-9, 1944.
Timmes Orchard: An extensively researched package of 8 scenarios and 2 solitire missions. THe Stort of Lt Col Charles J Timmes and his men as they contest the Normandy village of Amfreville and consolidate a bridgehead over the Merderet River west of Sainte Mere Eglise
Shanley's Hill: Shanley�s Hill depicts the fighting of the 82nd Airborne to secure the exits from Utah Beach during the Normandy Invasion. This new edition provides ten scenarios and a scenario-generating campaign system that ties the entire series of three releases together.
Those Ragged Bloody Heroes: includes a historical game map of the coastline of New Guinea, special rules, six new scenarios and a Platoon Leader campaign game. Everything is included to play using your existing ASLRB* and game pieces.
Ruweisat Ridge: includes a large 28� x 30� historical game map, six brand new scenarios, special rules and play aids, a Platoon Leader campaign and Orders of Battle for the British, Commonwealth, German and Italian combatants involved.
Stonne 1940: includes a historical game map of the battlefield, special rules, six new scenarios (Stonne 1 - 6) and a Platoon Leader 2.1TM campaign game. You will also receive 32 DIE CUT counters providing addtional French armor and new AFVs not included in the system and the additional B1 bis, FCM 36 and H-39 tanks you need to recreate the massed armor attack recreated in the game. Everything is included to play using your existing ASLRB* and game pieces. *Ownership of the ASLRB, WOA and HL are necessary to play this game.
Scotland the Brave II: The final two game 'Scottish Corridor' module series. StB II stands on its own with 10 new scenarios and TWO PL 2.x campaign games. This module is TANK HEAVY with units used in combat ranging from Cromwells to the Tiger VIE, plus Churchills, Firefly Shermans and more. You'll also receive a designer's notes booklet. CG 3 is the ground-breaker: this campaign uses a battlefield which links the maps from StB I and StB II for a real feeling of the depth of the 'Scottish Corridor', assailed on all sides by the last gasp of Hitler's war machine in Normandy.
Scotland the Brave I: The Epsom Offensive June 29 1944. At last, the gathering of the Panzer Divisions was nearing completion and the grand plan to break through the center of the Allied foothold in Normandy was in place. But Epsom caught the Germans off balance and kept them off balance until Hitler�s counterstroke in Normandy became an impossibility. Includes a well-researched historical game map of the battlefield, special rules, nine new scenarios (StB 1 - 9) and a Platoon Leader 2.x campaign game. You will also receive a comprehensive scenario tactics and designer�s notes booklet. *Ownership of the ASLRB, WOA and BV are necessary to play this game.
Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works: The Battle of Stalingrad Oct 14-15 1942
Pointe Du Hoc:Includes a large 24� x 30� historical game map, five brand new scenarios, a PL-compatible campaign game, special rules section, play aids, and 132 DIE CUT counters. The special rules are quite extensive and include BAR Gunners, Craters, Advanced Climbing Rules, Portable Rope Launchers, Destroyers, the Observation Post Bunker and Alternative German MMC Types. The counters include new Ranger and German MMC, Rope Launchers, and more! *Ownership of the ASLRB, PTPR and BV are necessary to play this game.
Jatkosota: Finland's Continuation War of 1941-44 is covered in this unique, best selling package. Included are 8 original scenarios, a 12 page historical booklet, notes, and a sheet of Finnish vehicle counters (unmounted/full color).
Soldiers of the Negus: The Italo-Ethiopian War of 1935-36 is the subject of this unique Module. 8 original scenarios and an historical booklet, plus rules and a full sheet of professionally printed mounted counters round out the set. More scenarios are on the way in Critical Hit magazine for the counter set provided.

Critical Hit Scenario Packs

Leatherneck Pack III: The gyrenes welcome their 'special guests' to this set in the form of a special focus on the actions of the 96th and 77th Infantry Divisions
Leatherneck Pack II: The return of the USMC in WW II with eight all-new scenarios to take the gamer to the battlefields of Pelilieu, Guam and Bougainville and points in between. These scenarios feature a collection of playable, medium sized games with a couple of monsters thrown in for those long gaming sessions
Leatherneck Pack I: Starring the USMC in World War 2, these 12 (plus an extra monster scenario for a total of 13) cover Marine actions from New Georgia to Okinawa. Designed by Steve Swann, USMC (ret.).
Gembloux the Feint: Our Brand new module depicts the Battle of the Gembloux Gap and gives fans of the Battle of France 1940 a host of new assignments to keep their interest. Go to the Gembloux page for more on this module.
OAF Pak 1: 10 scenarios featuring ease of set up and fast play. Includes a new color overlay for Board 3 and counters for the North Korean squads/leader and the US 3.5 Bazooka (unmounted/color).
ASL News Pack 1: 8 new scenarios by Europes top designers featuring early WW II Action `1939 to 1941`
Euro-Pack II: The Battle Of The Bulge: They consist of numbered scenarios from our collection of European-designs obtained via CH's agreement with Philippe Leonard, Belgian publisher of ASL News. The scenarios sport a professionally printed color presentation on bright-white 110 lb. card-stock, many unpublished archival photos from our growing collection and added errata and play balance tips input in these updated collector editions.
Euro-Pack III: Late War '44-'45: They consist of numbered scenarios from our collection of European-designs obtained via CH's agreement with Philippe Leonard, Belgian publisher of ASL News. The scenarios sport a professionally printed color presentation on bright-white 110 lb. card-stock, many unpublished archival photos from our growing collection and added errata and play balance tips input in these updated collector editions.
Euro-Pack IV: The War in North Africa eight scenarios from European designers starring Rommel and his Italian comrades. This rather unique collection includes a DYO purchase scenario and a brand-new, two part scenario featuring Free French forces. Professionally printed on white card with historical conclusions.
Euro-Pack V: Eastern Front features eight scenarios depicting nothing BUT Ost Front warfare at its most severe. Our Euro designers are joined by old hand Steve Swann (USMC, not 82nd AB) and some newcomers with some never before published actions. You want East Front, no landing craft/paradrop classic feel scenarios?
Euro-Pack VI: Partisans and Irregulars features eight scenarios, with three classics and five new works by our European designers. They called in the 'reserves' in the form of Scott Holst and Dave Lamb with some exciting brand new designs
Operations Of SS Panzer Abteilung 102 In The Normandy Campaign: 5 "phases" of Abteilung 102 in action
Platoon Leader 2.5Version 2.0/2.1 is free at Platoon Leader 2.1
Primisole Bridge: The Red Devils landing at the Primisole Bridge is depicted in this new Booster Pack. Bundled with Platoon Leader 2.0 and includes overlay/color control markers.
Cemetery Hill: The Booster Pack that started it all is still available. Full sheet of color overlays and a campaign depicting the battle on Crete between Greek/New Zealand troops and German Fallschirmjäegers.
Armored Stand: Command a late-war Japanese Tank Division in this PL 2.0 campaign. Features color overlays, new graphics and more.
Rout Pak I: 8 scenarios from the early days of The Rout Report, all starring British and Commonwealth troops in World War Two.
Rout Pak II: 10 more classics from The Rout report featuring actions from North Africa, The Russian Campaign and Normandy.
Rout Pak III: Unusual Orders of Battle: Eight more scenarios from the Rout Report featuring Zionists during the Warsaw Uprising, Luftwaffe ground troops, Finnish Jaegers, Marine Raiders, and the Spanish Blue division in a series of interesting and diverse actions
Aussie 98 Pack The brand new scenario pack from Australian designers. This pack features 10 brand new and well tested scenarios AND a brand new color overlay depicting a rail line and some patches of woods.
Aussie 97 Pack : 8 scenarios from Down Under by our favorite Australian designers.
Aussie '96 Pack: 10 scenarios designed and playtested by our Australian hobbyists. All feature the Australian Balance System and actions from WW II - Korea are depicted. These scenarios feature tournament playability.
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