ASL Scenario Listing

This section was put together to provide the ASL player with a listing of the scenarios available in the ASL system produced by Avalon HIl. Other sections of scenarios will be listed by manufacturer on seperate pages.

All the scenario pages are organized by mudule numbers/magazine publication and includes scenario number, name and location and the date the action took place.

As a side note here. Most of the documentation included within this section are modules, magazine and scenario pack I have purchased... If you do not see any scenarios here, that should be included, please forward me the info (as you see here) and I will add it to this page.

ASL Modules

Here are the main modules available..

  1. ASL Module 1: Beyond Valor
  2. ASL Module 2: Paratrooper
  3. ASL Module 3: Yanks
  4. ASL Module 4: Partisan
  5. ASL Module 5a: For King and Country
  6. ASL Module 5b: West of Alamein
  7. ASL Module 6: The Last Hurrah!
  8. ASL Module 7: Hollow Legions
  9. ASL Module 8: Code of Bushido
  10. ASL Module 9: Gung Ho
  11. ASL Module 10: Croix de Guerre
  12. ASL Module 11: Doomed Battalions
  13. ASL Module 12: Armies of Obivion
  14. ASL Module 13: Haake Paale

Action Packs and other releases

  1. ASL Action Pack 1
  2. ASL Action Pack 2
  3. ASL Classic

Beyond Valor

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 1Fighting WithdrawlSestroretsk Road, Terijoka, Russia2 Sept '4121Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 2 Mila 18The Warsaw Ghetto, Poland18 Jan '4320Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 3The Czerniakow BridgeheadWarsaw, Poland22 Sept '448, 20 23Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 4The Commissar's HouseThe Barrikady, Stalingrad9 Nov '421, 20Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 5In Sight Of The VolgaStalingrad, Russia14 Sept '421, 20Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 6Red PacketsZhabinki, Russia22 June '4122Inf & AFV
ASL # 7Dash For The BridgeWarsaw, Poland12 Spet '4420, 21Inf & AFV
ASL # 8The FugitivesBerlin, Germany3 May '4520, 23Inf & AFV
ASL # 9To The SquareWarsaw, Poland17 Jan '451, 8, 20, 21Inf & AFV
ASL # 10The CitadelBrest'Litovsk, Poland25 June '4120, 23Inf & AFV

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Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 11Defiance On Hill 30Pont L'Abbe, France8 June '442, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 12Confision ReignsSte Mere-Eglise, France7 June '441, 4, 24Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 13Le ManoirE. of La Fierre, France6 June '442, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 14Silence That GunFoucarville, France6 June '442, 3, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 15Trapped!St. Come-Du-Mont, France8 June '442, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 16No Better Spot To DieLa Fiere, France7 June '443, 24Inf & AFV
ASL # 17Lost OpportunitesSte. Mere-Eglise, France6 June '441, 2Inf & AFV
ASL # 18The RoadblockNeuville-Au-Plain, France6 June '442, 3, 4, 24Inf & AFV

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Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 19Backs To The SeaPointe-du-Hoc6 June '447, 16, 19Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 20Taking The Left TitSante Maria Infante, Italy11 May '442, 18Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 21Among The RuinsAachen, Germany17 Oct '4421, 20Inf & AFV
ASL # 22Kirhaus ClashAachen, Germany18 Oct '4416, 23Inf & AFV
ASL # 23Under The Noel TreesChamps, Belgium25 Dec '4416, 19Inf & AFV
ASL # 24The Mad MinuteLongchamps, Belgium3 Jan '4512, 16, 17Inf & AFV
ASL # 25Gavin's GambleNijmegen, Holland20 Sept '447, 16, 22Inf & AFV
ASL # 26Tanks In The StreetsBardenberg, Germany11 Oct '4417, 22Inf & AFV

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Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 27The Liberation Of TulleTulle, France7 June '442, 22Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 28Ambush!Thrace, Greece29 Mar '424, 10Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 29The Globus RaidCopenhagen, Denmark6 June '4422Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 30Sylvan DeathBessarabiaMay '4432Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 31The Old TownWarsaw, Poland12 Aug '441, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 32Subterranean QuarryKerch, RussiaJan '44Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 33The Cossacks Are ComingPalesnik, Croatia17 Aug '442, 3, 10, 32Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 34A New Kind Of FoeSeirijai, Lithuania24 June '444, 32Inf v/s Inf

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For King and Country

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf

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West Of Alamein

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 35Blazing Chariots5 Miles NE of Gabr Saleh, Libya19 Nov '4126, 27, 28AFV v/s AFV
ASL # 36Rachi RidgeLero's Greece12 Nov '4318, 25Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 37Khamsin25 miles S.W. Of Tubruk, Libya13 June '4227, 28Inf & AFV
ASL # 38Escape From DernaDerna, Libya7 Apr '41Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 39Turning The TablesMersa El Brega, Libya31 Mar '4126, 28Inf & AFV
ASL # 40Fort McGregor5 Miles S of Medjez El Bab, Tunisia26 Feb '4327, 28Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 41A Bridge Too WetW. of the wadi Zigzaou, Tunisia22 Mar "4326, 27, 28Inf & AFV
ASL # 42Point Of No Return6 Miles E. of Sidi Rezegh, Libya23 Nov '41Inf v/s Inf

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The Last Hurrah

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 43Into The FrayKrojanty, Poland1 Sept '394, 33Inf & AFV
ASL # 44The GauntletHamar-elverum Road, Norway9 Apr '402, 11Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 45Revenge At KastelliKastelli, Crete20 May '412, 3, 11Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 46Birds Of PreyBriedgen, Belgium11 May '404, 11, 23Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 47Rude AwakeningAlibunara, Yugoslavia9 Apr '41Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 48Toujours L'AudaceWitry, Belgium10 May '40Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 49Piercing The PeelGennap, Holland10 May '4011, 33Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 50Age Old FoesPrzemysl, Poland27 Sept '394, 33Inf & AFV

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Hollow Legions

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 51The Taking Of TakrounaTakrouna, Tunisia20 Apr '4325Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 52Too Little, Too LateParma, Italy9 Sept '4320, 21, 23Inf & AFV
ASL # 53A High Price To PaySyracuse, Sicily10 July '437, 17Inf & AFV
ASL # 54Bridge To NowhereYasaya Polyana, Ukraine12 Aug '417, 17, 19Inf & AFV
ASL # 55RetributionPalma Di Montechiaro, Sicily11 July '434, 12Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 56Half A ChanceBir El Gubi, Libya19 Nov '4126, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31Inf & AFV
ASL # 57The Battle For RomePorta San Paolo, Rome Italy10 Sept '4321, 22, 23Inf & AFV
ASL # 58Ci ArrendiamoSidi Saleh, Libya7 Feb '4126, 27, 28, 29Inf & AFV

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Code Of Bushido

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 59SmertnikiN. of Mutanchiang, Manchukuo13 Aug '452, 16, 17, 18Inf & AFV
ASL # 60On The Kokoda TrailDeniki Papua, New Guinea9 Aug '4234, 37Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 61Shoestring RidgeDamulaan, Leyte, The Philippines24 Nov '442, 25Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 62Bungle In The JunglePayagyi, Burma6 Mar '4234, 35, 37Inf & AFV
ASL # 63The Eastern GateMaungdaw, Burma7 Feb '4434, 35, 36, 37Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 64Hazardous OccupationTamparan, Minanao, The Philippines12 Sept "4234, 37Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 65Red Star, Red SunNomonhan, Manchukuo5 July '3926, 27, 28Inf & AFV
ASL # 66The BushmastersSarmi, Netherlands New Guinea24 May '4434, 35, 37Inf & AFV

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Gung Ho

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 67Cibik's RidgeBougainville22 Nov '4334Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 68The RockCorregidor, The Philippines6 May '4235, 36Inf & AFV
ASL # 69Today We AttackToungoo, Burma29 Mar '4237, 38Inf & AFV
ASL # 70KP 167Mauban, Bataan, The Philippines22 Jan '4236, 39Inf & AFV
ASL # 71Jungle CitadelBhamo, Burma9 Dec '4417, 22, 23Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 72Sea Of TranquilityPeleliu7 Oct '4425, 36Inf & AFV
ASL # 73Hell Or High WaterCape Torokina, Bougainville1 Nov '4335, 37Inf v/s Inf
ASL # 74Bloody Red BeachGuam21 July '442, 35, 38Inf & AFV

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Croix de Guerre

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 75Strangers In A Strange LandElvegardsmoen, Norway13 May '4018, 22Inf & AFV
ASL # 76End Of The NinthLe Catelet, France18 May '4017, 41Inf & AFV
ASL # 77Le HerissonHangest, France5 June '4020, 22Inf & AFV
ASL # 78Encounter At CornimontCornimont, France20 June '402, 41Inf & AFV
ASL # 79Bridge Of The Seven PlanetsLes Sept-Planetes, France3 June '4016, 40Inf & AFV
ASL # 80Play BallMehdia, Morocco8 Nov '424, 17Inf & AFV
ASL # 81Fraticidal FightingDamascus, Syria20 June '4125, 28, 29Inf & AFV
ASL # 82For Honor AloneSaumur, France20 June '4016, 19Inf & AFV

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Doomed Battalions

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # 83An Uncommon OccurencePiotrkow, Poland5 Sept '3916, 33, 44AFV v/s AFV
ASL # 84Round OneOchota District, Warsaw, Poland8 Sept "3920, 45Inf & AFV
ASL # 85No Way OutPilatka, Poland9 Sept '3942Inf & AFV
ASL # 86Fighting BackLeczyca, Poland9 Sept '3922, 44, 45Inf & AFV
ASL # 87Good Night, Sweet PrinceHaderslev, Denmark9 Apr '4016, 23Inf & AFV
ASL # 88Art NouveauMont-Le-Ban, Belgium10 May '403, 32Inf & AFV
ASL # 89Rescue AttemptWulmersum, Belgium13 May '4033, 43Inf & AFV
ASL # 90Pride And JoyKoritsa, Greece17 Nov '402, 17, 43Inf & AFV

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Armies of Oblivion

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf

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Haake Paale

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf
ASL #Inf v/s Inf

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Action Pack #1

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # AP1The RingNiesky, Germany20 Apr '454, 10, 17, 38, 42, 43Inf & AFV
ASL # AP2Storm Of SteelNear Maloarkhangelsk, Russia5 July '4318, 42, 43Inf & AFV
ASL # AP3A Breezeless DayGros Rederching, France2 Jan '4542, 43Inf & AFV
ASL # AP4L'Abbayaye BlancheL'Abbayaye Blanche, France7 Aug '4442Inf & AFV
ASL # AP5Invisible FoesDavao, Minanao, The Philippines5 May '4538, 43Inf & AFV
ASL # AP6Savannah RainGela, Sicily11 July "4310, 33, 43Inf & AFV
ASL # AP7Directive Number ThreeDubno, Russia27 June '4116, 33, 43Inf & AFV
ASL # AP8A Bloody HarvestPabianice District, Poland7 Sept '3943Inf v/s Inf

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Action Pack #2

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
ASL # AP9Red StormAlt Langsow, Germany16 Apr '4510, 17, 41, 46Inf & AFV
ASL # AP10Closing the NetGuadalcanal, Solomon Islands15 Jan '4539, 47Inf v/s Inf
ASL # AP11Swamp CatsSmorgon, Russia3 Jul '4413, 42, 46, 47Inf & AFV
ASL # AP12Cream of the CropNear the Bug River, Russia23 Jun '4142, 43, 46Inf & AFV
ASL # AP13Shielding MoscowKhimki, Russia3 Dec '4146Inf & AFV
ASL # AP14Ace in the HoleElsdorf, Germany27 Feb '454, 17, 46Inf & AFV
ASL # AP15Broken BambooMawlu, Burma29 Mar '4438, 47Inf v/s Inf
ASL # AP16Danger ForwardAlimena, Sicily21 Jul '4310, 46Inf & AFV

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ASL Classic

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionAction Type
ASL Scenario AThe Guards CounterattackStalingrad, Russia6 Oct '421Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario BThe Tractor WorksStalingrad, Russia6 Oct '421Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario CStreets Of StalingradStalingrad, Russia6 Oct '421Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario DHedgehog Of PiepskPiepsk, Russia14 Nov '412, 3, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario EHill 621Near Minsk, Russia1 July '442, 3, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario FPaw Of The TigerN. of Leningrad, Russia12 Jan '432, 4, 5Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario GHube's PocketS Russia, near Buchach6 Apr '442, 4, 5Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario HEscape From Velikiye LukiVelikiye Luki, Russia12 Jan '432, 3, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario IBuchholz StationBuchholz, Germany16 Dec '443, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario JThe Bitche SalientBitche, Germany14 Jan '452, 4Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario T1Gavin TakeChef-Du-Pont, France6 June '443Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario T2The Puma ProwlsLepel, Russia28 June '444, 22Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario T3Ranger StrongholdLattari Mountians, NW of Salerno, Italy14 Sep '432Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario T4Shklov's Labors LostShklov, Russia11 July '411Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario T5The Pouppeville ExitPouppeville, France6 June '443, 5Inf v/s Inf
ASL Scenario T6Dead Of WinterNW of Staritsa, Russia29 Dec '414Inf v/s Inf

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Insert Title

Scenario #Scenario TitleLocationDate of ActionBoards RequiredAction Type
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