IJN Naval Landing Forces Other Landing Forces

I'd like to thank Allan Alsleben for providing permission to post this article.

Ships Detachments (NLF)
12/10-'41	Tarawa Atoll	Asanagi 	Ships Company (Detachment)
12/10-'41	Tarawa Atoll	Yunagi		Ships Company (Detachment)
 1/24-'42	Kavieng 	Kashima		Ships Company (Detachment)
 3/ 7-'42	Zamboanga	Kuma		Ships Company (Detachment)
 3/31-'42	New Guinea	Kinu		Ships Company (Detachment)*
 8/25-'42	Nauru Island	Ariake		Ships Company (Detachment)
 8/26-'42	Ocean Island	Yugure		Ships Company (Detachment)

Guard or Defense Units
12/10-'41	Guam		5th Base Force 	        5th Defense Unit
  3/31-'42	Christmas Is.	21st Spl. Base Force	Interim Unit
Same		Same		24th Spl. Base Force	4th Guard Unit
Same		Bura, Ceram	24th Spl. Base Force	Same	(76 man Garrison)
	Note: At Bura, the invasion forces were divided into 2 detachments. 1st Detachment were the Guards, 
               while the 2nd Detachment** were the NLF from the ships.
  4/ 1-'42	Fak Fak		Same			Same	(67 man Garrison)
  4/ 2-'42	Babo**		Same			Same	(86 man Garrison)
  4/ 4-'42	Sorong		Same			Same
  4/ 7-'42	Ternate, Halmahera** - Same		Same	(79 man Garrison)
  4/ 8-'42	Djailolo, Halmahera - Same
  4/12-'42	Manokwari	Same			Same	(207 man Garrison)
	Note: Both Detachments were used at Manokwari
  4/15-'42	Moemi**	Same				Same
  4/16-'42	Seroei, Japen Island - Same		Same
  4/17-'42	Nabire**	Same			Same
  4/19-'42	Sarmi/Wakde**	Same			Same
  4/20-'42	Hollandia	Same			Same

*Ships Detachments were used in conjunction with Guard Units.
	Note: There is some confusion here. The 2d Maizuru was supposed to have been deactivated on Fb. 1st, 1942. 
               These two Guard Units were activated on Ap. 10th 1942. Yet, the 2d Maizuru is identified as being 
               lifted to Lae on March 10th and later. (#116 - Page 11)
  3/30-'42	Buka		  8th Spl. Base Force	81st or 82d Guard Unit
  Same		Shortland's	Same			Same
  3/31-'42	Keita, Bougainville - Same		Same
  4/ 8-'42	Lorengau, Manus    Same			Same

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