IJN Naval Landing Forces Yokosuka

I'd like to thank Allan Alsleben for providing permission to post this article.

1st Yokosuka
  9/20-'41	Formed at Yokosuka, assigned to Combined Fleet
  1/10-'42	Air Drop on Menado. (Heavy casualties)
  5/ 8-'42	"S" Operation, Occupation of the Lesser Sunda's
  5/16-'42	Returned to Surabaya
  5/20-'42	Reassigned to the 2nd Southern Expeditionary Fleet
 10/10-'42	Returned to Yokosuka Naval District and reassigned to Combined Fleet
  6/ 1-'44	At Saipan
 11/11-'44	Deactivated

2nd Yokosuka
10/15-'41	Formed at Yokosuka, assigned to Combined Fleet
12/15-'41	Landed at Miri, Brunei
12/24-'41	Landed at Kuching, Sawarak
 3/10-'42	Deactivated, Became 1st Guard Unit, 10th Special Base Force
 6/10-'43	Reactivated at Truk and assigned to 4th Fleet, Attached.
		Remained at Truk throughout the war.

3rd Yokosuka
11/20-'41	Formed at Yokosuka, assigned to Combined Fleet
12/10-'41	As part of the 1st Surprise Raiding Group, Landed at Aparri, Luzon.
12/10-'41	As part of the 3rd Surprise Raiding Group, Landed a Detachment at Calayan Island, Luzon Strait.
 2/20-'42	Air Drop on Timor
 5/20-'42	Reassignd to 2nd Southern Expeditionary Fleet
 7/29-'42	"T" Operation, landed elements on Bakar, Kai and Tanimbar Islands, Banda Sea
 8/ 5-'42	Returned to Yokosuka Naval District
11/11-'44	Deactivated at Yokosuka

4th Yokosuka
Formed before the outbreak of hostilities, assigned to 3rd China Area Fleet at Hainan Naval Guard District. 
Remained there throughout the war.

5th Yokosuka
  5/ 1-'42	Formed at Yokosuka and assigned to Combined Fleet, 2d Combined SNLF
  7/ 1-'42	2nd Combined Disbanded
  7/ 1-'42	Reassigned to 8th Fleet
 8/16-'42	Lifted to Guadalcanal (Detachment)
11/ 1-'42	At Buna, Papua
  2/15-'43	Deactivated at Lae, Papua. Absorbed into an unidentified Guard Unit

6th Yokosuka
  8/15-'42	Formed at Yokosuka, assigned to the 8th Fleet at Rabaul
  8/25-'42	Reassigned to 4th Fleet, Attached at Truk
  9/15-'42	To Betio, Tarawa and Makin Atolls
  2/15-'43	Deactivated, Became 67th Guard Unit, 3rd Spl. Base Force at Betio, Tarawa

7th Yokosuka
11/20'42	Formed at Yokosuka, assigned to Combined Fleet as a unit of the 8th Combined
12/24-'42	Reassigned to 8th Fleet, Attached
 6/30-'43	On Kolumbangara
12/ 1-'43	8th Combined SNLF disbanded, and reassigned to 8th Fleet, 14th Base Force
12/ 5-'43	Deactivated at Kavieng, New Britain.

8th Yokosuka
 1/20-'45	Formed at Singapore and assigned to the SouthWest Area Fleet
	         No further information. Remained in the area until the end of hostilities

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