Rank Conversion Chart (United States & Italy)

The table shows the conversions between the United States Army and Italian ranks of the World War II period.


United StatesItalianNormal Command
US General of the Army
GeneralGeneralArmy Commander
Lieutenant GeneralLieutenant GeneralDivision Commander
Major GeneralMajor GeneralGroup/Brigade Commander
Brigadier GeneralMajor General
ColonelRegiment Commander
Lieutenant ColonelRegiment 2nd in Command
MajorBattalion Commander
CaptianCompany Commander
1st LieutenantPlatoon Commander
2d LieutenantPlatoon Commander

Noncommissioned Ranks

United StatesItalianNormal Command
Sergeant Major
Master Sergeant
Technical Sergeant
Staff Sergeant
SergeantSquad Leader

Enlisted Ranks

United StatesItalianNormal Command
CorporalSquad Leader
Private First Class

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