Motor Rifle Battalion 1995 (BMP)

        *Signals Platoon
        *Reconnaissance platoon
        *3 Motor Rifle Companies
                *3 motor rifle platoons
                total:  32      men
                        3       MICV (BMP/BTR)
                        3       Light RCL (RPG-7)
                        7       Machinegun (RPK/PKM)
                        1       Sniper rifle (SVD)
                *Grenadelauncher machinegun group
        total:  133     men
                14      MICV (BMP/BTR)
                9       Light RCL (RPG-7)
                6       Grenadelauncher machinegun (AGS-17)
                21      Machinegun (RPK/PKM)
                3       Sniper rifle (SVD)
        *Mortar Company
        *Anti Aircraft Platoon
        *Engineer Platoon
        *Suply platoon
total:  571     men
        49      MICV (BMP/BTR)
        9       Mortars
        6       ATGW (AT-7/AT-4)
        32      Light RCL (RPG-7)
        18      Grenadelauncher machinegun (AGS-17)
        64      Machinegun (RPK/PKM)
        9       Sniper rifle (SVD)

1. AT-4 ATGW's should be changed to AT-7.
2. BMP is BMP-1 or BMP-2 as BMP-3 is reserved mainly to exports
and elite troops to gain much needed foreign currency.

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This page last updated 23 Dec 1997
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