Naval Infantry Brigade

(estimated strength: 3000-3500 men)
3 Naval Infantry Battalions
	34 BTR-60/80 or MT-LB
	6 2S9 or 2S23 mortar/auto mortar
Naval Air Assault Infantry Battalion
	34 BTR-60/80 or MT-LB
	6 2S9 or 2S23 mortar/auto mortar
Tank Battalion
	10 T-55
	30 PT-76
Anti-Tank Battalion
	12 MT-12 (towed with MT-LB) AT Guns
	9 BRDM-2
	18 AT-5 ATGW systems
Rocket Launcher Battalion
	18 BM-21 (122mm Rocket) rocket artillery
Field Artillery Battalion
	18 2S1 (122mm Howitzer) self propelled artillery 
Air Defence Battalion
	4 ZSU-23-4 AAA vehicles
	4 SA-13 SAM vehicles
Reconnaissance Company
	3 PT-76 amphibious tanks
	9 BRDM-2 reconnaissance vehicles
Engineer Company
	1 MTU-20 Bridging tank
Signals Company
Medical Company
NBC Protection Company
Supply Company

NOTES: Brigade has actually four Naval infantry battalions but one of them has air assault training and Russian doctrine calls that one third of Naval Infantry has parachute training, one third attacks with helicopters and one third moves by land or sea to operating area. For that reason the fourth battalion is called here Naval Air Assault Battalion.

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This page last updated 2 Jan 1997
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