Fun in the Sand
So when Becky and I started this project, we intended this to be a sand castle, with a moat and a wall, a tower on top and our initials on the side. However when we went up to the house Jackie had to point out to us that from a distance, it somewhat resemeled a boob.
Therefore we will never live down building a sand boob.
This is out dolphin, he's a little washed away b/c it rained before I could get a picture of him. His name is Enrique. We called him that because he had a large growth on his face. He looked a lot better before he was washed away.
"Dug me a hole!!" Joey from Friends.

The first day, Becky and i dug a hole. We planned on digging more the next day but it filled up with water and crabs invaded and also a dog peed in it.
Our snowman. This was a fun project. We put a lot of work and detail in him. We used  a pinecone as a button, and other stuff that washed up on shore.
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