OUTTA MY WAY, I'M MAKING MY BIG GETAWAY!!! We rented a wheelchair at Busch Gardens, so we would get on rides faster. I pretended to have a hurt leg, i even limped! It was fun racing around in a wheelchair!
Florida at Busch Gardens!!!
My mom kept on telling me to get closer to the Flamingo, but it kept on snapping at me with it's huge beak! I was scared!
An old couple walked by and laughed at me as I jumped in for this pose. Sleeping with the crocodiles...
All these people were right in front of me, acting all cool and everything, then i just hopped on the turtle! Felt like a kid again!
Fun times on the rides there, we brought ponchos, luckily! That's my cousin, Erika, in front, my cousin, Danielle, behind her, then me, and my mom hiding behind me! I loved it!
The three amigos looking kool, and all wet! We just got soaked! That's my mom on the left, my favorite Aunt, Dee, and me.
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