Trip to Mammoth Mountain
Me, My Aunt, my Sister...
Look, I caught one! Yay! Look at my face! It was so slimmy and gross, but I was the only one who caught anything! Yay! Go me!!
Searching for fish...
I had a really good time that weekend with my family, we went snowboarding one day and fishing the next. This was a new expierience on both parts for me!
Proudly holding up my big catch! Don't worry, we threw it back in!
That weekend, we all got together and had one of our big family games. I think it was called word-catch or something, well, it was hilarious and crazy, big fights and everything, everyone in the Vandeveld family has to be right, all the time! (That's probably why we're all lawyers!)
Ahhh! Relaxing in the sun. Me, my Aunt Laurie, my cousin Lisa & my half-sister Heather, 22.
Hopefully we'll go back soon, maybe I'll bring a date ;-) it's really romantic there.
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