Sick In Florida...
The third day I was there! We were on the way to Busch Gardens, and we had to pull over so i could puke, then my mom took a picture, apparently she thought it was hilarious. It was kinda funny at first...
Ugh!! Don't look down! WARNING! I am in a very sick state, even though I'm smilling!
How many colors can you spot in there?
Don't worry! It's only my first trip to the hospital!
I can't believe they put me in the kids room!
I was sick for the whole week! I couldn't keep anything down, so I had to go to the hospital twice for fluid injections, so I wouldn't die. How fun! The second time, I spent 8 hours there, until 3:00 AM, my mom and cousin stayed by my side :-)
Feeling better! Thumbs up! Oh, by the way, that pink bucket is my puke bucket. It went to very good use! Trust me!
Hi! Great vacation? Here's where I spent most of it. It was good to see the family, though. Hopefully next time I won't get sick!
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