My Tattoo Page!
Second tat I got. Last October sometime. It's an X from my fav. band, ...X.... *ahem* anyway ....It's on my left wrist. It looks bettter in person. I don't have a ruler, but I'd say it's about 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"
This is my third tat. I got it in Late October. It's obviously a pirate skull and crossbones. I got it at Mission Beach (MB) Tattoo, Which I highly DON'T recomend. The stupid ink is fading already, and the damn thing cost $160. Oh well.
Here's a pic of me standing by my door. You can only see my Pirate tat here, but oh well. Oh, I didn't get my ass kicked, I went to a mosh concert a few days before the pic was taken. I saw The Casualties at club Xanth with a few friends. *sigh* fun times.
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Yeah, X and Skull & Crossbones. There's my pretty hands.
I scanned my upper right arm for this pic. I'm too lazy to wait for the pics to get developed. I got this tuesday, 3-18-03 at About Face Tattoo. I finnally got work done by Chris Earnhart! Yay! My brother was there with his g/f, and I got this tat after him, then after me, his g/f got another tat. Cynthia sat there the whole hour and 20 minutes it took. Then my mum stopped by, she wants another one soon, too. It looks really great in person. I am happy with this tattoo. I'd say it's a pirate girl with tattoos on a skull. Cost: $120 + $20 tip. I want moooooooore. At least my arms are even now.
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