<BGSOUND SRC="Gigicovergirl.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Back to Airport Railway
Olympic Station
click to enlarge the picture to the right
Olympic Station is a very busy station. It is built on reclaimed land. there are residental and commercial buildings. The building to your left is the Bank of China building in Kowloon and the one to your right is the Hong Kong Bank building in Kowloon the picture to your left now is the Olympic Harbourview. To your right there is a interior view of the Olympian City One mall. The picture under the Olympic Harbourview is the residental building Park Avenue. The picture to the right is the view outside of the phase 2 mall, Olympian City Two. Now the last second picture shown to the left, is the residental building Central Park. Finally, the model of Olympic station is Below.
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