Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood
Names: Lady of the Golden Wood, Lady of Lorien, Noldorin Elf
Galadriel became queen in the Second Age and was the daughter of Finarfin of Noldor and Earwen.
In the years of the trees, she was born in Valinor, in Middle Earth. In Doriath, she met Celeborn, kinsman of Thingol's. In the third age, Galadriel and Celeborn became Lord and Lady of Lothlorien. They had three grandchildren, Arwen, Elladen, Elrohir, and daughter, Celebrian to Elrond.
Galadriel was the bearer of the ring, Nenya, the Ring of the Waters, and she then protected Lothlorien and the people in it from the enemys of Mordor.
In 3021 of the Third Age, September 29th, Galadriel left with many other elves, and also, Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, and Gandalf; though Celeborn chose to stay behind
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