


Feature Report


















In adversity we thrive

by Oliver Palermo

Imperial Guard players have been ranting Jervis Johnson for his decision to increase the points cost of each Guardsman from 5 points to 6 well as the heavy weapons' 5 point increase for each..and the plasma gun from 5 points to 8 points, while decreasing the grenade launcher's cost from 12 points to 8 points.

I must admit, I'm one of those players...and its one of the reasons Games Workshop's so-called webtrolls shut me out...just for the reason they can't give me a good explanation except that the Imperial Guard is too powerful. I heard that excuse from a whiner. Here are my thoughts and rants.

1. It did say in the back of the rulebook that the points cost for each weapon was given conside- ration as to the effectiveness of the skill... in this case, the Guard's ballistic skill of 3. What I don't understand is a Space Marine can have a Heavy Bolter for 5 points (ballistic skill 4) while a Guardsman gets it for 10 points.

2. The plasma gun's increase was a bit controversial. Guardsmen have flak armor..a 5+ armor save once the PG overheats..Space marines have 3+ armor save..and when it overheats, there is still a chance for them to save it. And besides, the Plasma gun is the only equa- lizer for the guard against power armored ene-mies. People say that a Guard unit's cost from 5 points to 6 points each justified considering the sheer firepower of a dozen lasguns...well, thats not true.

I find that with a platoon size unit of two squads and one command section, my lasguns would hit on average 50-60% of the time, wounding 20% of the time and power armor saves about 80% of them considering being lucky. This said, I caused the enemy player, if successful, one killed marine. I've taken into consideration the traditional mass rolling of dice here..I based the statistics there.

3. Well, all said, I think ballistic skill doesn't really give a count for points cost. Guardsmen hit 50% of the time. Its all about players being creative, and if GW's trademark marines can't take should be changed. People get intimidated with lots of dice rolling for Guards...if they only knew..sigh.

But in fairness to Jervis, I think he did an okay job. Games Workshop gave him the responsibility of toning down the Guard because Space marine players are complaining of the Shooty-Imperial-Guard-from-Hell. He toned down the Infantry...but he preserved the Guard's ace...the tanks.

So there...the Imperial Guard, as opposed to what the codex says about men and guts and numbers and human soldiers with feelings of courage and a lie. Just like the Inquisition. =)

The Imperial about tanks. But I still have my two detachments of Infantry...for the looks =)

An all guard army only with tanks is dull to look at.

Support the tanks with Infantry and the tanks will support the army.


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