



An Interview with Ronald
the Vampire Count


Ronald who just started playing Warhammer Fantasy this year ( 2002) became the champion of our annual Budda Budda League this summer and achieved a third overall in Warlords III Fantasy Tournament.

One of the more "unorthodox" players that we have, claiming at times that he fights or plays better in warhammer when he's inebriated, we were able to catch up with him before his nightly drinking sprees, we asked him a couple of questions.

1) When did you start to play warhammer ?

I started playing early this year (2002), around february but I had my first regiment december last year (2001).

2) What was the reason you joined ?

Uhh .. I just joined to try it. Wala lang .. cool pala, enjoy and mentally challenging. Its a learning experience.

3) Why did you choose your army ?

I chose Vampire Counts because even before I really am a fanatic of vampires and other undead stuff.

4) How are league games different from normal games ?

League games are quite different and more challenging. You will begin to feel the pressure when you play in leagues and tournaments. As a beginner, I find it challenging to join as many tournaments or leagues as I can for it will increase my experience and skills.

5) What is the next project for you for warhammer ?

I want to try something different... I wanna try "khemri" .. hehehe. syempre undead pa rin me for life but next time I'll try to do more conversions and join more tournaments and stuff.

6) How do you create an army list for your games ?

Thats my biggest secret !! Only I know the magic formula :)


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