




Feature Report




















Sunny Yu, Fantasy General

The winner for the Warhammer Fantasy Budda League 2001 is none other than our resident player:
Sunny Yu

with his newly assembled; Orc and Goblin Army. We caught up with him and interviewed the winner about his winning streak and how he started to play the game.


1. When did you first start to play warhammer?

I started playing WH in 1998. I had heard of WH from my brother who then was starting into the hobby. During that time, I was into magic the gathering card game. Initially, I did not have interest in playing with miniatures since I was contented with collecting cards. It was when WotC started banning cards that I started to look into the world of WH.

2. What was the reason why you joined?

Most of my reasons for playing games such was WH, was greatly influenced by my brother. Since we were kids, he started joining games such as Dungeon and Dragons. I was more into sports and not into these mental fantasy battles. Since we were the only two boys in the family, he convinced me to try it out. Many other games followed such as Squad Leader, Main Battle Tank, Battle of the Pacific, etc.

It was when we were both in high school that we were into strategic games and that was where we developed our strategic (and arguing on the rules !:- ) skills. So when warhammer came, the concept wasn’t new to me but rather it was the specific rules that I had to get familiar of.

3. What was your first “tournament” game?

My first tournament game was held in Alabang, although I forgot the exact name of the tourney. I remembered there were two categories: masters and young bloods. I joined in the masters category even if it was my first tourney since I could field in a 2000 point army.

That game was memorable because the first tourney game was against Chaos handled by Warner [ Editor Note : Warner got 3rd place in the Asian GT in Hongkong just that year ] and I experienced for first time the power of the nurgle staff. I was very nervous and my first game was a massacre as my wood elves were running for cover at end of turn 5.

After the first game, I felt more comfortable and continued to play against a bret, lizardmen and skaven army. I ended up 4th or 5th I think so it wasn’t too bad.

4. How are tournament games or league games different for a regular game?

Tourney or league games are different since there are stricter rules on army composition and scenarios played. Compared to normal games were the mood is more casual and rules more flexible.

Tourneys are more competitive and there is a level of accomplishment when you turn out the winner
( I believe Ricky calls it bragging rights!). But either way, it’s all about having fun and meeting new people that I enjoy the most.

5. How did you prepare yourself for each fight?

First of all, I study the guidelines of tourney rules very carefully to see the impact to my army. If this gives my army a distinct disadvantage, then I make sure my composition will be to minimize if not eradicate the disadvantage. I then try it out in fun games to see how it goes.

Generally, I tend to stick to a certain style of play so that when I compete, I will be comfortable with how my army moves. I also like to see who is participating. If most players are composed of heavily armored troops, then I bring in more war machines or anti-armored troops.

If the composition is mostly shooting armies, then I’ll get mass ranks with good toughness or many fast cavalries to overwhelm the defenses. So in the end it depends :-)

6. Who was the toughest opponent you faced in the league??

As mentioned earlier, Warner was a tough opponent, although since I was also new, it had a multiplier effect. I must say my toughest opponent is my brother, Freddie Yu because after years of playing different battles, he already knows my style of play. I faced him twice in league tourney and both in championship rounds.

Our games are very competitive to a point that most people think that we are fighting, although for us its just normal and we both enjoy it very much. When I play him I get really psyched because I know its going to be a tough one.

7. What do you want to happen in the future for war gaming here in the Philippines?

I am hoping that more people will be playing this hobby. Its unfortunate to know that there are a lot of people out there who love to join but cannot afford the extremely high costs of building up an army. I hope that generally, figs will become more accessible so that more people can afford to play. More players makes it more fun and to meet different personalities is always a treat, just like the Alabang circle that I play inJ

Thank you for your time and we look forward to talk to you again.

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