













Clash of Patrols

by Jonnel Mendiola


A small squad of troops is guarding a depot/ firebase when it is suddenly beset by a fast moving force of attackers. They must hold out until their own reinforcements can return. This scenario is based on the same scenario of the same name in White Dwarf 207. While originally based on Space Marines and Eldar, it has been re-written to play with any army. Also this scenario has a different organization chart as seen below:

     HQ: none ( this is a small clash and it is assumed that high ranking officers are not available)
     Elite: 1 allowed ( the squad must be in a transport, infiltrators or jump pack or bike equipped)
     Troops: 1 allowed (must be in transport, infiltrators or jump/ bike equipped if attacker)
     Fast Attack:
4 allowed ( must have minimum of 2 units )
     Heavy: none ( it is assumed that Heavy support is too slow or too vital for Patrols )
                   Also no dreadnoughts on both sides are allowed.


The attacker is attempting to make a Hasty attack on one of the defender's firebases/ bunkers/ supply depot. Fast moving forces are assembled in an attempt to take the enemy base before the defender can respond with reinforcements.

The defender must hold out until his own patrols can respond to the attack. His patrols slowly return one by one as per Special Reserve Rules below.

Scenario Special Rules:
Special Reserve Rules (see below), Random Game Length, Infiltrators

Set Up:
1. Set-up the table as seen on the right with the firebase in the middle of the table.

2. The defender places his TROOP squad in the firebase as guards. The rest of his forces enters play as per the Special reserve rules below.

3. The attacker then divides his forces into two equal waves. Infiltrators must be part of the first wave, and may be deployed anywhere on the table no closer than 18" from the firebase.


4. The Attacker gets the first turn and the entire first wave enters play from the designated table edge.

5. In the second turn, the entire second wave of the attacker enters play. The Special Reserve Rule: The defender randomly chooses which of his reserves will enter play. He then rolls which table edge it will enter from as per the map above.

Mission Objectives:
The goal of the attacker is to take the enemy base from the defender. The goal of the defender is to remain in possession of the base until the end of the game.

The player who occupies or has the closest unbroken unit to the firebase is the winner. Transports may not be used to hold the objective



Special Reserve Rule:
Every turn after the first, one returning patrol enters play for the defender. He must RANDOMLY choose one unit and randomly determine which table edge it comes into play. This insures that the defender will have a stream of reinforcements during the game.

Game Length:
The game lasts a Random number of turns.

Line of Retreat:
Units will retreat towards the nearest table edge.



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