













Higher Ground

by Jonnel Mendiola


Patrols have reported increased movement of enemy forces in the area. You have been expecting a big push for weeks and now it is heading right for your sector. It is vital that you secure any available high ground and give your heavy weapons a commanding view of the battlefield.

This is a modified Take and Hold scenario where both players attempt to secure the highest point on the table with a squad with a heavy weapon.

Note: Do not confuse this scenario for High Ground in the City Fight codex


Scenario Special Rules:
Random Game Length, Infiltrators

Set Up:
1.Set-up the table as seen on the right with a suitable objective in the middle of the table. This is usually a hill, or a building/ tower.

2. Both players will alternate placing their units in their respective deployment zones, 1 feet from their table edge. Place your units according to Heavy, Troops, Elite, HQ and Fast.

3. Players must place their units at least 18" away from the edge of the objective. (you measure this edge from whatever terrain you are using if it is a hill or building.)


4. Infiltrators may get their free 6" move before the game starts

Mission Objectives:
Both players are trying to secure the High Ground for themselves. To do this a player must get a squad with an intact HEAVY WEAPON unto the highest point of the objective and remain there until the game ends. (Players agree on the high point of the objective). The player who is able to do so gains +300 points

If both players have a heavy weapon within 6" of objective then neither side gets the bonus victory points. Please note that only Infantry Squads with a Heavy Weapon are qualified to take the objective. Tanks and Dreadnoughts and squads with "assault" weapons DO NOT COUNT. (Therefore Ork Rokkits DO NOT count but Lobba's and Eldar Weapon Platforms do count).

Players use the Victory Points to determine who wins the scenario.

Special Reserve Rule:
No Reserves in this scenario

Game Length:
The game lasts a Random number of turns.

Line of Retreat:
Units will retreat towards the nearest table edge



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