













The Sea of Green

by Jonnel Mendiola


A This is a massive scenario involving SIX armies with three players per side. Each side is trying to capture three objectives spread out on the board. Each player has 1,500 points to spend on each of their army. In addition, ONE of the armies is designated the 'reserve' army. This army comes into play as reserves as detailed below.

Designer's note: this scenario was designed with ORKs versus Imperial players in mind hence the title. We wanted to see an unending sea of green figures. However, if you don't have enough ork players then any army will do though it would be more fun if they came from the same race like Chaos vs Imperials, Eldar vs Imperials etc.... anyway have fun.

Scenario Special Rules

Reserves, Deep Strike, Random Game Length, Force March Rules (optional)

Set Up:
1. The game is played on an 8 feet by 4 feet table. Set up the terrain as players wish.

2. Choose three objectives on the table. One objective must be right in the middle of the table. The other two must be 15" from either player's side. (see map for detail)

3. One army from each side must be designated as a reserve army (arrow C). The reserve army begins to enter play during the 2nd turn.

4.Each side rolls the dice, the side with the highest roll chooses to go first or second. The armies are NOT set up on the table but must move into the table from the 'L' shaped deployment zones (arrows A and B). The opposing side likewise moves unto the table during their movement phase.

5. The third reserve army starts to come into the board through the smaller 18" band during the second turn. Units who can deep strike may choose to do so even units from the armies A and B.

Mission Objectives:
The goal of the three armies is to hold more objectives than the opposing army. The side that holds the most objectives wins.

To hold an objective, an unbroken infantry, cavalry or vehicle squadron from your side must be within 3" of the objective, with no other opposing unbroken unit within the said radius. Note that if the objective is a building or ruin, then only infantry units can hold the terrain feature and must physically occupy the building. Vehicles and Dreadnoughts can only hold the objective if they have not been immobilized and if the objective is not a building.

Transports and Independent characters may NOT hold the objectives.


Special Reserve Rule:
The third army enters play from the 18" band on the left side of the board respectively. Deep Striking units may deploy anywhere.

In addition, players may choose one unit to enter play if NO reserves come in during the turn.

Game Length:
The game has a Random Game Length. However players start rolling for when the scenario ends on the 5th turn instead of the fourth.

Line of Retreat:
Units will retreat towards their respective long table edge.


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