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by Jonnel Mendiola


Cyborks are those orks that have found themselves under the 'operashun' of an Ork Painboy. Consequently they have become more strong and even tougher than normal Orks.

If you were to get a second Ork HQ then I would say that Cyborks are DA BEST! Toughness 5 and Strength 4 with an Invulnerable Save of 5+ at a very cheap points cost of 13 points! Also you can mount these guys in a trukk and watch them zoom into combat. Just make be careful not to get them shot at while in the trukk. The only down side is you have to get a painboy to be able to use this unit.

I use my Cyborks just like my trukk boys. With the exception that they do not have a Burna. When using the Cyborks it is important that you send them to the right target. Unlike Trukk Boys they do not have the Bailin' out special rule, so they are unlikely to survive the destruction of their trukk. This is important because in the last two games my opponent went after the Cyborks by killing the trukk. Consequently that meant a 50% chance of wounding them. One way protecting your Cyborks is to use the Trukk boys to block the LOS to the Cybork Trukk.

When you do get the Cyborks into close combat then they are in their element. Even Space Marines will find it hard to wound them and at Strength 4 they can wound just like marines. Use the Cyborks to tie up your opponents' main unit. I usually don't upgrade the Painboss very much but if I have the points I give him a Power Klaw so he has the potential to take out tanks.

Below is my standard Cybork HQ unit which I most often use in games:

Painboy w/ Slugga, Choppa         - 28 pts
6 Cyborks w/ Slugga, Choppa      - 78 pts
Trukk with grot rigger                   - 32pts

                                          TOTAL : 138pts

Well I'm off to the operating table to make a couple more bionic orcs. And you should too because they are FUN to make.

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