

























Versus Blood Angels

by Jonnel Mendiola


This then is the second 'versus' article and I shall be talking about the Blood Angels.
The Blood Angels are one of those Space Marines that have 'special rules' so they require some attention. Aside from the Space Marine's usual weaknesses from the previous article I shall be giving some other tips to beat this particular army.

Blood Angels are primarily an assault army. They are fast and furious in an assault. Thus the tips to win against them are:

1. Keep Your Distance:

As such, during deployment, you have to keep your distance away from the Blood Angels. A squad in a rhino is capable of assaulting you even when 24" away and sometimes even 30". STAY AWAY from the assault units and deploy accordingly.

2. Eliminate the Transports

An assault army is dependent on its transports for its speed. Destroying the Rhino transports will slow them down somewhat. Once they are walking, you can pick them off more easily.

3. How to Deal with the Death Company

The Blood Angels have a special unit called a Death Company. This unit is near invulnerable to normal weapons fire, even against plasma weapons. They do not retreat from combat either. It is better to shoot these monsters from a far. However, only Krak Missiles, Battle Cannons, and Las Cannons would be effective.

If you have it, the best way to neutralize them is by getting them into combat with a dreadnought. Just get a dreadnought to within charge range and the Death Company has no choice but to charge it. The dreadnought can survive the assault because the DC cannot penetrate its armour, unless they lap around the back which is only armour 10. Be wary of models with Power Fists though as these will ruin this tactic.

4. Assault them first

Once the Blood Angels are close enough, try to assault them rather than them assaulting you. The reason for this is it prevents the BA from having a +1 Str and +1 Initiative when they charge. If you charge them, then they are just ordinary Space Marines.

5. Shoot them while they sweep

BA must sweep advance. They do not have a choice about it. This then is their biggest weakness as it subjects them to enemy fire as they do so. By carefully positioning a 'sacrifice unit' in front of a particularly powerful unit, you can bait this unit into an assault and as they sweep into another combat, on your turn, you can fire upon the unit with every weapon in your arsenal. Positioning here of your units is the key as they must support one another with inter-lapping fire arcs.

In Summary

Using these tactics, I am able to regularly beat Blood Angel players. Remember that positioning is the key. Right from the start be careful where you place your units, which one is the bait and which ones can counter assault/ shoot back. I also prefer more open terrain when fighting a BA player, since he likes to use terrain to cover his assault. Simply put, I choose not to fight in such terrain as forests or buildings and try to keep my fire-arcs as clear as possible.


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