GT 2001


Grand Tournament 2001

On October 2001, the annual Philippine Grand Tournament was hosted by Neutral Grounds and was this time was held beside the fountain at Robinsons Galleria in Ortigas, Mandaluyong City.

We at Hobby Cafe participated with our resident players ( dubbed "Team Alabang" ) competing in both the 40K and Fantasy Games as well as the painting competition.

We emerged triumphant as we bagged both the 40K and the Fantasy Best Overall Category as well as Best General, Most Sporting Player and others. I was able to capture the moment with good ole Jeff's camera and I began clicking away at the event.

A shot of the "long gaming table"

The Steel Legion rushes forward

The Space Wolves gather themselves before breaking through the forest line at the Black Templars

Not to be outdone by the oldies, intense action goes on at the youngblood tables.

"The Eldar shall rule again !!"

Everyone will always stop what there doing to smile at the camera

Freddie Yu ( wearing the Budda Shirt he won in our league ) shows how accurate he is in guessing the range of all his cannons

Here we see Sunny in his classic salad bowl formation for his Wood Elves.
"Lets see.. 40 shots that way .."

Yup people will stop to smile at the camera

A little help by the master to players who are new to the 6th edition of WHFB


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