The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts...
The Beginning
Just like the whole Harry Potter saga itself, the story of Tom Riddle (commonly known as Voldemort, You-Know-Who or the Dark Lord) starts with a small boy, Tom Marvolo Riddle, who had a witch for a mother and a Muggle for a father. His mother didn't tell his father (Also named Tom) about her magical backgorund until she was pregnant with Tom and then his father left them. His mother died giving birth to him so he was bought up in an Muggle orphange. He hated the orphanage and vowed that he would get ravenge on his father (who had returned to the Riddle family's old home, in Little Hangleton ). Eleven years later he got a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchraft and Wizardry and was sorted into the Slytherin house. This was the bginning of Lord Voldemort.
The Chamber of Secrets
Some believe that it was in his first year that Tom learnt about the Chamber of Secrets, a hidden chamber that Salazar Slytherin built to iscolate himself from the other founders of Hogwarts. People believe that he also knew of the monster that the Chamber of Secrets was home to. During his fith year the top-of-the-class student found the Chamber of Secrets and opened it. It was thought that only the heir of Salazar Slytherin could open it and Tom Riddle did. He was a Parsel Mouth (as was Salazar Slytherin) and inside the chamber he found a Basilisk (see Monster Book of Monsters). He tamed the Basilisk to follow his every command. Later on in his fith year he unleashed the Basilisk to kill Muggle born wizards and witches because his father was a Muggle. Sadly a girl died that year due to the Basilisk and she haunts Hogwarts to this day. Hogwarts was in serious danger of being closed down as it was thought that Hogwarts was too dangerous. Tom Riddle, still in his fith year ask the headmaster, Prof. Dippet, if he could stay at Hogwarts over the summer instead ofstaying at the horrible Muggle orphanage. Dippet said no, claiming that it was too dangerous. So Tom Riddle found a way to place the blame on a student. Rebeus Hagrid, a  half giant who was in his thrid year got blamed for the unexplaniable death of that girl. His wand was snapped in half and he was never to perform magic again. Hagrid was an orpahn too, and luckily for him, although he had been expelled the old Transfiguration teacher, Professor Dumbledore made Professor Dippet make Hagrid the Hogwarts Grounds Kepper. Ironically, the only person that didn't seem to trust tom Riddle was Dumbledore, the one wizard Voldemort would one day fear.
The Secret Diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle
After getting Hagrid expelled, and being given an award for special services to Hogwarts, Tom Riddle decided that it was too risky to open the Chamber of Secrets again. So at 16 years of age he put his "memory" into his diary in the hope that someone, one day, someone would find it and unleash the Basilisk again. This diary was blank, but whenever somebody wrote init, the 16 year old Voldemort would be able to reply to that person.If they kept writing into his diary, his memory would keep getting stronger and eventually he would consume his victim's sole and become strong enough to be human. this was a back up plan if his long term plan failed. In the long term, he schemed that he would take over the world and the name "Voldemort" would become the most feared name in the world. His friends called him Voldemort when they were alone together. Tom Riddle became prefect and head boy in his time at Hogwarts. he pulled wool over many peoples' eyes. Little did these people know, that clever Tom Riddle would one day be the most evil wizard the world has ever seen.
The Beginning of the Dark Lord's Reign
Tom Riddle left Hogwarts in his last year, and that summer he returned to his fatmily house. The people of Little Hangleton still call it the "Riddle House" to this day, even though it has been abandonned for many years. His first real muder as Voldemort was when he went to the Riddle House and killed his father and his grandparents from the Riddle family, all of whom were Muggles. Nobody knows how they killed, some say that the look on their faces could have only came from a Basilisk. Others say that the "Avada Kedavara Curse" was performed on this family. None of the Muggles in their village liked the family, they were more interested in finding out who the killer was. Frank Bryce, the family gardener was arrested but later released due to a lack of evidence. Although Voldemort killed his father and his grandparents (who he never knew) because he abandonned his mother when she was pregnant with him, Voldemort hates Muggles.
Death Eaters
Death eaters were the names given to Voldemorts supporters, followers and apprentices. They would be given a tatoo of the dark mark (A skull with a snake comming out of it) to prove that they were deatheaters. Some became death eaters because they were scared of Voldemort, others were put under the "Imperius Curse" and others were just plain evil.When Voldemort lost his power their tatoos faded, when he gained power they would burn deatheaters arms and turn the tatoos back to color. Not many of the death eaters were loyal. When they were caught most of them claimed that voldemort had made them do it. As a sign of Voldemort's (or the death eaters) mark they would say "Morsmodre" and the dark mark would then come out of their wand and float inthe sky. When Voldemort touched a deatheaters tatoo every deatheaters arm would burn, summoning them to him. Without his deatheaters, Voldemort would not have had the same power as he did at the peak of his reign.
Harry Potter
Every witch and wizard in the world knows the tale of Harry Potter. The boy who conquered Lord Voldemort. At Voldemort's highest state of torture, destruction and power, a time he almost ruled the world (not everyone was on his side then). Voldemort wanted Harry potter dead, for a reason we just don't know. Prof. Dumbledore who was now headmaster of Hogwarts School told James Potter about a highly complex chamr called the "Fidelius Charm" in which James would give a secret to his "Secret Keeper" and then Voldemort would never be able to see james potter or his family. There was one small glitch with this charm. If the Secret Keeper revealed their secret then Voldemort would be able to find them. It was thought for a long time that it was James's best fried, Sirius black that revealed his secret to Voldemort. Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow where the potters were staying and killed James after he put up a good fight. Then Voldemort turned to go to harry. Lilly Potter begged and pleaed for voldemort to take her instead of Harry. So he killed Lilly and then something strange happened. A mystery that would soon baffle the whole population of the magical world. Voldemort fled the Potters home, powerless and all Harry was left with was a scar that burns or hurts his head whenever Voldemort is near, or Voldemort is growing stronger, etc.. Harry was now left an orpahn. So Dumbledore left him with his closeest living relations. His Aunt, Uncle and Cousin who are scared of magic and chose not to tell harry about his powers until he got a letter for Hogwarts.
Peter Petigrew
Peter Petigrew, we know now was the Potters' secret keeper. He revealed the secret to voldemort and then went in search of Sirius Black to try and put the blame of their death on him, and make the few people that know about the Potters' Fidelius Charm think that he was their Secret keeper. He went to a Muggle street where Sirius was and blew up a lot of Muggles, behind him. He then chopped off his finger, transfigured himself into a rat and went into the sewer leaving behind his finger and a trail of dead Muggles in front of Sirius. Sirius got a life sentance in Azkaban, but is now on the run from Azkaban and only a precious few know he is innocent. Just when Sirius had caught Peter he ran away, found Voldemort as weak as ever and helped him return to his now powerful self.
The Beginning, Part II
Not many people know it yet but the end isn't over. Voldemort is now fully restored and ready to take over the world. he has a growing number of old deatheaters with him and he wants revenge on unfaithful death eaters, Dumbledore, the world and Harry Potter. Albus Dumbledore is leading the forth-coming battle to defeat Voldemort. He has already sent Madame Maxime (Headmistress of Beauxbatons School) and Rubeus hagrid to try and get the last giants left on their side, he has the house elves from Hogwarts and a handful of people that include:

Severus Snape
The Weasleys
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Arabella Figg
Mundungus Fletcher
The rest of the "Old Gang"
and the Diggorys', whose son was the first person to be killed in the new reign of the Dark Lord.

Minister Fudge believes this story to be nonsense and will not offer his power to help with the new beginning. Lets hope a lot more people can believe this story. He had Peter Pettigrew help restore him and now that he is back the possibilities of what he will do are endless. As time goes on there is no doubt that new chapters will be added to this book. the Rise and Fall of the Darks Arts may now just be the Rise of the Dark Arts. But all we can do is hope.
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