One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
Mandrake/Mandragora - A plant that seems like a human but is completely different. It has a purple, green plant growing out of it's head and it grows rapidly. The cry of a mandrake is fatal and will kill a person instantly. A baby mandrake's cry will only be powerful enough to knock you out for several hours. The mandrake can produce a liquid when dead that is used as a powerful medicine to return people who have been cursed or transfigured back to their original state.
Bubotuber - This is a plant that looks like a bigger version of a slug. It is jet black and it grows spots full of flamable puss that smells like petrol and is a great cure for acne. When in a pot bubotubers point vertically out.
Whomping Willow - The whomping willow is a tree that instantly thrashes it's branches at anyone who comes within it's reach. This tree is extremely dangerous and violent but it is handy for planting near places you want left alone. The tree will only remain calm and still if you touch the speical knot on the bottom of the trunk.
Venemous Tentacula - A spiky, dark-red plant with long feelers. This plant is extremely dangerous but luckily they are rare. If the plant's feelers make contact with you they skeeze you to death. The venemous tentacula is also obviously poisonous.
Puffapod - A puffapod is a large stripy pink pod ful of shiny beans. These beans will only grow when they are dropped from a height and then they burst into a bunch of flowers.
Do you have the details of a magical herb we are missing? Please send it in to us.
Student Inputs
Devilsnare -  This is very dangerous. The devilsnare is a huge plant that has lots of snake-like tendrils. They prefer dark, damp places as they are afraid of light. If a human or any other animal makes contact with it, the devilsnare will instantly crush them to death very slowly.
Fluxweed and Knotgrass - These are both ingredient used to make Polyjuice Potion and they are both common weeds in the wizarding world.
Wolfsbane -Also known as monkshood.
Aconite - A herb used in a potion that will give a werewolf it's human mind from when it transforms at a full moon to the next morning, when the werewolf will have turned back to it'll normal self.
Shrivelfig - A strong root that is often used in potions.
Ashpodel and Wormwood - Adding powdred root of Ashpodel to an infusion of wormwood will make a sleeping potion so effective and strong that it is named Draught of the Living Dead.
Bouncing Bulbs - Bouncing bulbs are the plant type of bulb. They are lively and are named after the fact they just can't keep still. They are always trying to move and squirm out of your hands when you are holding one and they travel quite fast as they can hurt you a lot when they hit you if you are trying to plant one.
Yew Plant - This plant has a wood that is used to make wands. It is famous for being the wood that Voldemort's wand is made out of.
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