Standard Book of Spells -
All Grades
Accio - Summons objects. If object is not in view then say Accio Item.

Alohomora - Opens locks.

Anti-Cheating Spell - If you bewitch a quill with the Anti-Cheating spell,there will be no way a student can cheat on an exam.

Apparate - Not really a spell. This is when someone magically transports from one place to another. Highly complex, you can end up seriously injured if it goes wrong and you have to past a test to get a license to apparate.

Aperacium - Makes invisible ink visible.

Avada Kedavra - This spell instantly kills it's victim. No one has ever survived it except for Harry Potter.
One of the three unforgiveable curses.

Avis - Conjures singing birds from the tip of a wand.

Banishing Charm - This charm repels things.

Bubble Head Charm - This charm does what it is called. It creates a bubble around your head which allows you to breathe where there is no oxygen.

Confundus Charm - Confuses its victim.

Conjunctivie Curse - Shoot this curse into a dragon's eye to weaken it heavily.

Crucio - Fills a victim's body with pure pain.
One of the three unforgiveable curses.

Diffindo - Tear things apart.

Deletrius -This makes objects that are conjured by wands go away.

Densaugeo - Enlarges teeth.

Drought Charm - This charm absorbs a small amount of water.

Engorio - Enlarges what wand is aimed at.

Ennervate - Recovers people or animals from stunned states.

Entrancing Enchantment - Thischarm makes its victim fall in love with the spell caster.

Expecto Patrnum -  Powered by pure happy thoughts; used to summon a patronus to defend you from dementors. Very complicated spell. Everybody's patronous is different.

Expelliarmus - Disarms it's victim.

Extinguishing Spell - This spell puts out fires.

Ferula - Creates a sling.

Fidelius - This is a complicated spell that not many people are aware of. You conjure the spell to enable you to beome invisible to someone else. An example of this (which not many people know about) is when James Potter and his family wanted to hide from
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. For the spell to work you need a secret keeper. If the secret keeper reveals the secret then they person you shouldn't be able to see you will be able too.

Finite Incantatem - Finishes previous spell.

Fire Talking - A little like sending Owls except this method of communicasting is much quicker. Your head will appear in somebody's fire and you can talk to that person and even interact phsically with them.

Flame Freezing Charm - This charm does exactly what it says. It cools flames so That flames feel like a pleasant, warm, tickling sensation. A lot of the wicthes who used to get burned in Medieval times used this charm.

Four Point Spell - This is a simple spell. You say the incantation and then your wand will point North.

Furnonculous - Causes it's victim to come out in boils.

Homorphus - This is a very powerful and complex spell that turns a wereworlf back to it's human form.

Horn Tongue Curse - This curse will give it's victim a horn instead of a tongue.

Hurling Hex - This spell is put on broomsticks to rig them. When a someone rides a hurl hexed broomstick the broom stick will attempt to throw them off.

Impedimenta - Slows down a target for a short amount of time.

Imperio - Allows you to control your victim. Very complicated to use
. One of the three unforgieable curses

Impervious - Repels water.

Incendio - Creates a floating fire; you don't need wood or fuel of any kind to keep the fire going.

Infernos - Repels fire from your wand.

Instant Scalping Spell -As the name suggests this spell instantly gets rid of it's victims hair.

Jelly Legs Curse - This horrible curse makes it's victims legs wobble uncontrollably and become unsupportive.

Locomoto Mortis - Knots a victim's legs together.

Lumos - Creates a small shpere of light from the tip of your wand. Very standard spell.

Mobiliarmus - Moves objects from one place to another.

Mobilicorpus - Moves people.

Morsmodre - This is the incantation that summons the drak mark.
Aka the sign of Voldemort

Muggle Repelling Charm - This charm repels non-magical people away from a place or object, such as a Quidditch stadium.

Nox - Puts out the light from a wand which previously performe
d lumos.

Obliviate - Destroys a memory and replaces it with a fake memory that the wizard/witch who perfromed it chooses.

Orchideous - Conjures flowers from the tip of the wand.

Pepper Breah - This curse gives it's victim a fiery hot breah.

Petrificus Totalus - Fully body-binds victim.

Point Me - Points your wand North.

Prior Incantato - Use this spell on another wand to make that wand perfrom it's previous spell.

Quietus - Stops the results of the spel
l Sonorus.

Reducio - This spell shirnks its victim.

Reducto - Pushes objects away forcefully.

Relashio - Underwater this spell sends out jets of boling water, and above water this spell produces red sparks.

Reparo - Repairs damaged items.

Rictusempra - This spell tickles the body of its victim.

Ridikulus - This spell turns a boggart into a humorous form that you are thinking of while perfroming the spell

Scouring Charm - This charm cleans things. Fingernails, for example.

Serpensortia - Summons a serpant from your wand.

Severing Charm - This charm cuts things.

Shield Charm - This charm creates an invisible barrier infront of it's caster to protect the caster from spells.

Sonorus - Makes the volume of your voice increase spectaculary. Hold your wand to your throat when using this spell.

Stupefy - Stunes its victim.

Tarantallegra - This spell will make it's victim dance.

Twitching Ear Curse - This causes the victims ear to be uncontrollably twitchy, itchy and irritating.

Unbreakable Charm - This makes objects, such as glass, unbreakable.

Unplottable Charm - This charm makes it impossible that a location will appear on a map.

Vanishing Spell - This makes someone or something invisible.

Waddiwassi - Unclogs things.

Wingardium Leviosa - Makes objects hover

These are incantations and spell names.
The Standard Book of Spells
The Standard Book of Spells
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