Tha Boyz In Hood

Yo Yo Yo, there's a butt fag I know
His mom's name is Jo, and No, she's not a ho
His dad works for TV, his name is Captain B
This buttfag likes monkeys and Crissi
He's a drummer in this band, he want to France
Where blah blah blah and he blah blah
He's done blah blah blah, yet he's not comatose
He likes bungle

And we're tha boyz in Hood

The others a bass player, his camel makes me scared
His cat has fluffy hair, and he drank beer with Slayer
His parrot must be load, oh I just got moated
He's not as phat as Cody, but hey, he's, well you know
He's usually sports docks, he owns a glock
His shirts are made of death, he's not got liquor on his breath
He's seen lots of stuff, he isn't really buff
But he'll kill you.

And we're tha boyz in Hood

The one who plays guitar, he comes from not afar
And just the other day he was working on my yard
He drives the Shaggin Wagon, that's his car
And one day, he'll be a big star.
He's like to pick fruit, he's got a great gloot
And whenever there's a party he's always got a suit
And one dare shoot, cause they know what'll happen
We'll hew them.

And we're tha boyz in Hood.


All lyrics and music (c) 2001 HOOD