Laundry day has found me nude
My only clean pants are stained with blood
Not even a sock to cover little Andy
Gotta protect my flesh from the sun
Don't have have sunblock or a parasol
But I've matches and some gasoline
I rather like bathing in combustible liquid
Light a match, hear me scream

You don't have to tell me, I know I'm well dressed
Make way, I'm wearing a suit of burning flesh
Don't wear Armani or Gucci like the rest
Look out, I'm wearing a suit of burning flesh
I sport a hat that simply reads "Best"
Oh no! I'm wearing a suit of burning flesh
It's just the same as clothes more or less
Hey Look!! I'm wearing a suit of burning flesh

Take my dog, shi-the-ad for a walk
To the laundromat down the street
Small children point and stare and scream
And vomit at the stench of burning human meat
Old men feeding pigeons in the park
Catch fire as I calmly stroll by
Go to the market to buy some neosporin
And a douche to stick in my eye.


I've got crabs the size of crabs
And my crabs they have rabies
Don't fight fire with fire
Fight fire with babies
Kitty Kats are flammable
I light them on fire
Everything's hilarious
When Kittys are on fire


All lyrics and music (c) 2001 HOOD