last updated: june 12, 2003  

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Hi guys and gals,

Megan and I would like to extend this invitation to all of you to join us in the upcoming 24-hour Relay For Kids. The 24-hour Relay for Kids is a charity event that benefits the Easter Seals Foundation, an organization that sends children with disabilities to summer camps.


Sat., June 14th, 10 am to Sun., June 15th, 10 am


Swangard Stadium, Burnaby

Registration Fee:

$10 per person. The team fee is $200 - registration fees collected in excess of $200 will go towards our total team donation to the Easter Seals Foundation.

The Relay:

The 24-hour Relay for Kids has set up a 2.5 mile (4 km) course around Swangard Stadium. Our team members will take turns running, jogging, walking or leapfrogging (if you really want to) the course. Lap times don't matter so there is no pressure on anyone to finish a lap within a certain amount of time - the main purpose is to have at least one person from our team on the course for 24 hours.

On average (jogging speed), the course will take 24 minutes to complete. If there are 20 people on the team, and each person on the team completes the course in average time, then you can expect to do three laps in 24 hours (or one lap every 8 hours). For those worried about late-night laps, there is volunteer and RCMP presence throughout the course at all times. As well, the course is very well-lit.

The Pledges:

Every team member will get a pledge form. Please pester your family and friends to contribute to this good cause. People can pledge on a per distance basis or as a lump sum dollar amount. They can pay their pledges in cash or by credit card. Tax receipts are provided for pledges of $25 or more. As a team, our goal is to raise $5000 - at $5000, our team gets entered in a draw to win some cool, team prizes.

The Party:

It is a well-known fact that the 24-hour Relay for Kids is really a big party. There are live bands, booths, booze and a volleyball tournament. There is also a loud speaker that plays some good tunes all night long. If you plan on bringing alcohol, just remember that you can only bring it into Swangard before 6 pm - security checks bags after 6 pm. If you run out of booze after 6 pm, there is a beer garden open until 10 pm.

For food and non-alcoholic beverages, Bread Garden and Milestones (among others) normally have booths set up at Swangard. In past years, Milestones has hosted a barbeque on Saturday night.


I have registered a team to enter the volleyball tournament. We will be placed in a division with a few other teams and play a few games against each other on Saturday afternoon. Let me know if you are interested in playing.

To be part of this unique experience:

E-mail me at [email protected] or Megan McIntosh at [email protected] if you want to join. Again, I am hoping to have at least 20 team members... but of course, the more, the merrier! I know this is a lot of information to take in... feel free to ask me any questions you have. I hope most of you will join - the 24-hour Relay is really a great and unique experience... and it's for a good cause!

Confirmed Team Members:

Captain: J.J. Guerrero

Co-Captain: Megan McIntosh

Team Members: Mike Soliven, Cory Chamberland, Rosalie Aguilar, Tracy Kiley, Richard Fisher, Nadia Contreras, Jerrick Barosso, Dawn Nguyen, Justin Flett, Darwin Borason, Natasha Carpio, Genie Ledesma, Serita Valero, Mary Grace Luciano, Shana Stott, Jennifer Blair, Shirley Blair, Allan Alfonso, Arnold Karan, Tracy Sayers, Brooke Ballantyne, Christina Young, Johanna Ledesma, Lianna Corsini, Matthew Lim

Tentative Team Members: Corinna Schmaler, Boris Contreras, Marko, Kalpesh, Kevin Chisolm


Running Schedules:

I have divided the team into four groups and assigned each group specific time slots. Groups must ensure that they have a runner on the course during their alloted time slots. Because not everyone will be going to Swangard at the same time, I think this will give everyone a better idea of when they should be there.

Click here to see your running schedule.


Volleyball Tournament:

Let me know if you are interested in playing in our volleyball team. We are guaranteed three (3) round-robin games and one (1) elimination game. All round-robin games are 15 minutes long; the elimination game is 20 minutes long. Here is our schedule:

Game 1 @ 11:30 am vs. Whale Oil

Game 2 @ 1:15 pm vs. Univ. Concrete

Game 3 @ 3:00 pm vs. Legal Lizards

All games are on court 1. Elimination game will depend on our round-robin standings.


Waiver Forms and Bracelets:

All team members are required to fill out a waiver form. This waiver form must be witnessed and signed by either myself or Megan.


Team Bracelet and Stadium Seating:

All team members will get a "team bracelet", which allows you to enter Swangard Stadium after 6 pm - this is done by the 24-Hour Relay organizers for security purposes.

Our "camp site" is section F, rows 7 and 8 of Swangard Stadium. To tag your personal belongings, Megan and I will also hand out bag tags for everyone.


Key Dates:

From now to June 8th - I will be handing out pledge forms and waiver forms, as well as collecting the $10 registration fee. For the GM Place folks, I will be working the Pearl Jam concert (May 30) and Matchbox 20 concert (June 4) if you want to catch me then.

June 8th - This will be the last day for people to join the team as it will give them one full week to collect pledges.

June 11th - Team schedules (approximate relay running times and volleyball matches) and bracelets will be handed out. Also, other information regarding stadium seating will be discussed.

June 12th - Megan has tentatively booked a fundraiser at the Roxy for this night. Tickets will be sold at $5 each to raise money for our team donation.

Saturday, June 14th, 10 am - The relay starts at Swangard Stadium and goes until 10 am on Sunday, June 15th.



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