What to expect after operation

After laparoscopic ("keyhole") surgery do not expect that there will be no pain at all. There is very little pain - and most people are quite comfortable. The discomfort or stiffness is mostly around the right rib cage area and navel where punctures are made. Occasionally people have right shoulder and neck pain from gas used in the operation - but this subsides as the gas gets absorbed in a day or two. There is sometimes discomfort in the throat from the tube the anaesthesiologist has to use, and maybe some soreness over the puncture made on the hand or wrist for a needle.

Rarely the surgeon has to leave in a "drain" - a pipe leading out from the side to a plastic bottle which may drain some blood . Such drains are removed in a day or two.

Many people who are discharged very soon after opeartion are greatly worried about soreness or pain - so make sure you get a clear answer from your surgeon - I get a lot of emails from anxious people and I cannot reply to all queries. Be sure to take any pain-killing medicines that are prescribed.

About getting back to work - "2 days" is usually an optimistic estimate - and getting back to work 2 days after gall bladder removal would be possible only for people with the most sedentary jobs. If you have a very active job, you can expect to need to stay of work longer - be sure to ASK YOUR SURGEON!

PAIN LONG AFTER SURGERY: Remember that removal of the gall bladder will leave all your other organs unharmed. You will have no further symptoms related to your gall bladder, but do not think that you will never ever have any problems with your tummy again. Occasionally people have pains or discomfort due to other causes - and worry that they have their gallstones back. Do not panic - and see a doctor.

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