Modeling Dough (Bake the item you make; like pottery)

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water

Mix the flour and the salt together first.  Add water and mix until it starts to pull away from the bowl.  Turn the dough out onto a board and knead until smooth and elastic. This dough dries very quickly while working with it, pinch off only what you need and store the rest in a plastic bag until you need more. To help pieces stick together (if you're making a snowman for instance and wanted three balls put together) make a paste of flour and water and use it like glue when putting the pieces together.  Once the project is finished, fire in the oven at 175 degrees.  You'll have to check each piece periodically as the thicker the piece, the longer the dry time.  If you desire, you may paint your piece.  It's usually a good idea to seal it with varnish.  **A good tip for making hair is to push a small amount of dough through a garlic press.
Homemade Stickers  (Gum backing or binding adhesive)

1 packet (1/4 ounce) unflavored gelatin                          Make your own stickers. 
1 tblsp cold water
3 tblsp boiling water                                                       Make your own sticky notepad.
1/2 tsp white corn syrup or sugar
1/2 tsp lemon or vanilla extract

In a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin into cold water.  Let soften for 5 minutes.  Pour boiling water into softened gelatin and stir until dissolved.  Add corn syrup or sugar and extract.  Mix well.

Brush the gum thinly on the back of the sticker.  It works better if you do a whole sheet, and then cut after it's dried.  The page will curl up, but after it has dried, you can press it under something heavy such as the phone book.  When dry just moisten the sticker and apply.

The gum will gel overnight.  Place the adhesive in a pan of hot water to return it to liquid state (in a plastic bag or inside a jar, into the water).  You may store this in the fridge in a sealed jar for months.
Paper Mache Paste #1

1 cup flour                  1-2 tblsp salt
2 cups water

Mix together until you get a consistancy like thick glue. (It's best to add the flour a little at a time)  Add more water or flour as necessary.  Mix well to get out all the bumps.  Add a few tablespoons of salt to help prevent mold.
Paper Mache Paste #2

4 cups water
separately:  1 cup flour with 2 cups of water

Similar to the above recipe. Put 4 cups of water into a large pot.  Place the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil.  While you are waiting for the water to boil, mix together 1 cup of flour with 2 cups of water, stir well to get out as many bumps as possible.  Once the water is boiling, carefully add your flour and water mixture.  Simmer this mixture for 2-3 minutes, until smooth.  Add a few tablespoons of salt to help prevent mold.  Allow to cool before you try to use it.
Paper Mache Paste #3

1/2 cup non-self-rising wheat flour
1/4 cup powdered resin glue
1/2 cup warm water
1 1/2 cups hot water
4 drops oil of cinnamon

Mix flour and resin glue in a saucepan.  Make a paste by adding 1/2 cup warm water.  Add hot water, stirring vigorously to prevent lumps.  Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is thick, clear, and smooth.  Add oil of cinnamon.   Makes about 1 pint.

How to use it:  For best results, use this paste within a few days of preparation. The paste gives a very hard finish to paper-mache projects as furniture, candlesticks, and bowls.  Store paste in a covered glass jar.
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