In his poetic oeuvre it is noticeable how the command of form and language
matures, going ever deeper into the content.

     To his first period belong: Prisma al sol, Clavelia, El clavecín mal temperado and Al azar del poema, where one can see the search for his poetic identity. The moment of departure is probably marked by his Poema Eucarístico.

(de Poema Eucarístico)

Dios te salve, Mujer: tu vientre anida
el soplo del Espíritu y la Vida:
eres como un jarrón en que el Señor
ha dejado el perfume de su amor.
Dios te salve, Mujer, porque tú eres
la bendita entre todas las mujeres,
porque no tienes mancha, porque El mismo
bajará por tu sangre a nuestro abismo.


1943.- Poema eucarístico y otros.
First edition: Talleres Gráficos Cisneros. The second edition is included in
the anthology Varia poesía.

1948.- Libro de Horas
First edition: Editorial El Libro, Guatemala. The second edition is by
Ediciones de la Biblioteca Universitaria, Talleres Editorial Ahora, San
Salvador, El Salvador, 1950. The third edition is included in Varia poesía.

1953.- Sinfonía del Límite.
First edition: Dirección General de Bellas Artes, San Salvador, El Salvador.
The second one is included in Varia Poesía.

1959.- Trece instantes
Cuadernos Julio Herrera y Reisig, Montevideo, Uruguay. The second edition is
included in Varia Poesía.

1961.- Varia Poesía
This anthology encompases all previous books. Published by the Departamento
Editorial del Ministerio de Educación, San Salvador, El Salvador.

1963.- Navegante río
Published by the Departamento Editorial, Ministerio de Cultura, San
Salvador, El Salvador.

1967.- Solo la voz.
Published by the Departamento Editorial, Ministerio de Cultura, San
Salvador, El Salvador.
There is a bilingual edition (Spanish/English) that was prepared as a
doctoral dissertation by Elizabeth Miller PhD who translated the poems and
wrote the prolog. For the University of Kansas it was published in Mundus
Artium, Dallas, Texas, USA, 1984.

1968.- Maneras de llover

First edition: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, Madrid, Spain. The second
edition was by the Departamento Editorial, Ministerio de Educación, San
Salvador, El Salvador, 1982.
The bilingual edition (Spanish/English) was prepared by Elizabeth Miller
PhD, published by the Latin American Literary Review Press, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA, 1986.

1971.- Este pequeño siempre
Published by Colección Provincia, Leon, Spain.

1972.- Sangre de Hispania fecunda.
Published by the Dirección General de Cultura, Ministerio de Educación, San Salvador, El Salvador.

1976.- Resonancia de Vivaldi
With illustrations by Carlos Cañas. Published by Impresos Litográficos de
Centro América, San Salvador, El Salvador.

1979.- Aquí, mi tierra.
With drawings by Roberto Galicia. Published by Impresos Litográficos de
Centro América, San Salvador, El Salvador.

1985.- Fácil palabra
Published by Impresos Litográficos de Centro América, San Salvador, El

1992.- Desmesura
Published by Universidad Centroamericana (UCA Editores). In this long poem
he bequeaths us an authentic life will; he worked intensely on it when he
felt death to be nearby.

1999.- Prólogo a la noche y Casi en la Luz
"The lyric creation of his last years is suffused by a transcendent deep
humanity, surely the effect of the clear awareness of his approaching
physical detachment", according to Dr. David Escobar Galindo, rector of the
Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado.
Published by Editorial Delgado, San Salvador, El Salvador.



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