Alexander Oquitain

NAME: Alexander Oquitain

AGE:mid 30s but is older.

HEIGHT: 6'0"

HAIR: dusky brown ...and though he admits in not... the beginning touches of gray.

EYES: deep blue

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Alex is a Tall fellow but niether thin nor fat. He keeps in shape and his one asset in a fight is he is faster than most. He seems to be inhumanly fast. Alex wears darker colors tending towards deep greens and blacks, grays and such. He often wears a full hooded cloak and a trade mark might be the sash he seems to always wear about his waist, its color matching whatever other clothing he wears. he is also never without a leather pouch which contains his weapons.. a matched pair of Star Daggers. These are 5 bladed weapons which are used either as a thrown weapon or in close quarters.

INTERESTS: His place in the world and who he really is keep his mind busy. He believes he is the son of Dierdra of Amber and he honestly does not know who his father really is. Magic is a favored pastime as well and he seeks to grow better at his personal defense through the learning of magics... and being better at it.


Alex grew up for the most part in shadow earth ... he has been such charecters as Robin Hood.. and Domascus Hayden .. apprentice to Merlin of Camalot, to name just a few. He believes his mother to be Dierdra of Amber and his father could be many people although he has connection with many people from .. the courts.. who he does not know as the enemy of Amber. Alex has been a bit sheltered from the political dealing of the whole realm and seeks only to grow in power for the sake of protecting himself..(fromt the others... or so his mother has taught him).


Alexander is calm and keeps his head about him almost always. When he is not cool and calm is when he is the most dangerous. He does not so much seek vengence as to seek to remind those who have wronged him .. that he has not forgotten.. and might seek his retribution... someday.
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