Amerula Diamano

NAME: Amerula Diamano


HEIGHT: 5'10"

HAIR: Long curly red hair, with an apparent mind of its own.

EYES: Teal green with yellow pupils, hidden behind dark green contacts

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tall and lean, Amerula walks with grace and style. Still young and deceivingly innocent in looks, she shows the curviness of a future sex goddess.Amerula�s clothes match her dark mood, black, deep purple, navy blue, and is very classic/gothic in style. Everything is marked with her personal symbol, a psychedelic coloured rose, in purple and pink tones.

INTERESTS: In Ganderha, Amerula shows horses and dogs. She loves all animals and seems to have an inate connection with nature. She loves puzzles, including crosswords, and writes poetry in the garden, when she is not busy quilting or casting spells.


Born in shadow to a prince of Amber, who has kept her identity, in fact her existence, hidden from all Amberites, Amerula is a powerful sorceress, trained by a coven of witches and other sorceresses throughout shadow. No trump carries her likeness, so her father must travel through shadow in order to see her, which he does monthly to assure himself of her safety. She has only been to Amber once, to walk the pattern, and her father ensured that no-one interrupted this private ceremony. Amerula has no knowledge of the family feuds but starts to worry when her mother goes missing and her father misses their monthly meeting. Now with a limited knowledge of Amber and shadow, Amerula is in search of answers.


Amerula's father thinks she is frail and needs protecting. He couldn't be more wrong, although she is more than happy to perpetrate this facade in order to get her way in all situations. Don't let her fool you or it will be a mistake you won't soon forget.
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